Page:Hopkinson Smith--Tom Grogan.djvu/203

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What was McGaw up to now? she asked herself. Was he after Carl and the men, or getting ready to burn the other stable?

“Good-morning, Mr. Quigg. Ain't ye lost?” she asked coldly.

“Oh no,” said Quigg, with a forced laugh. “I come over to see if I could help about the fire.”

It was the first thing that came into his head; he had hoped to pass with only a nod of greeting.

“Did ye?” replied Tom thoughtfully. She saw he had lied, but she led him on. “What kind of help did ye think of givin'? The insurance company will pay the money, the two horses is buried, an' we begin diggin' post-holes for a new stable in the mornin'. Perhaps ye were thinkin' of lendin' a hand yerself. If ye did, I can put ye alongside of Carl; one shovel might do for both of ye.”

Quigg colored and laughed uneasily. Somebody had told her, then, how Carl had threatened him with uplifted shovel when he tried to coax the Swede away.

“No, I'm not diggin' these days; but I've got a pull wid the insurance adjuster, and might git an extra allowance for yer.” This