Page:Hopkinson Smith--Tom Grogan.djvu/240

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and signed the contract. Jennie and all of 'em wouldn't have it, and cried and went on, but I braved 'em all. I knew I had to go if I died for it. Mr. Crane had his buggy, so I didn't have to walk. The stairs was the worst. Once inside, I was all right. I only had to sign, an' come out again; it didn't take a minute. Mr. Crane stayed and fixed the bonds wid the trustees, an' I come home wid Carl and Jennie.” Then, turning to her father, she said, “Gran'pop, will ye and Jennie go into the kitchen for a while? I've some private business wid Mr. Babcock.”

When they were gone her whole manner changed. She buried her face for a moment in the pillow, covering her cheek with her hands; then, turning to Babcock, she said:—

“Now, me friend, will ye lock the door?”

For some minutes she looked out of the window, through the curtains and nasturtiums, then, in a low, broken voice, she said:

“I'm in great trouble. Will ye help me?”

“Help you, Tom? You know I will, and with anything I've got. What is it?” he said earnestly, regaining his chair and drawing it closer.

“Has no one iver told ye about me Tom?”