Page:Hopkinson Smith--Tom Grogan.djvu/87

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“I was tellin' ye about the meetin' we had to the Union last night. We was goin' over the list of members, an' we didn't find yer name. The board thought maybe ye'd like to come in wid us. The dues is only two dollars a month. We're a-regulatin' the prices for next year, stevedorin' an' haulin', an' the rates 'll be sent out next week.” The stopper was now out of the oil-bottle.

“How many members have ye got?” she asked quietly.

“Hundred an' seventy-three in our branch of the Knights.”

“All pay two dollars a month?”

“That's about the size of it,” said Crimmins.

“What do we git when we jine?”

“Well, we all pull together—that's one thing. One man's strike's every man's strike. The capitalists been tryin' to down us, an' the laborin'-man's got to stand together. Did ye hear about the Fertilizer Company's layin' off two of our men las' Friday just fer bein' off a day or so without leave, and their gittin' a couple of scabs from Hoboken to”—

“What else do we git?” said Tom, in a