Page:Horæ Sinicæ, Translations from the Popular Literature of the Chinese (horsinictran00morrrich, Morrison, 1812).djvu/8

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Scriptures into the Chinese language. More anxious to render his work faithful, and respectable in the eyes of the well educated Chinese, than to display rapidity of execution, he has not announced any large progress. He has published the Acts of the Apostles, from a Roman Catholic version, improved by his own careful revision; and subsequently the Gospel of Luke, the fruit of his own labour. In the same cautious manner, and constantly availing himself of the aid of a learned Chinese whom he has retained, he is proceeding to the remaining books of the New Testament.

The genuineness and authenticity of the Specimens of Chinese Literature exhibited in the following Translations, are guaranteeds by the Directors of the Missionary Society, to whom they were sent by the Translator, and with whose permission they are now published.

London, June 25, 1812.