Page:Hornung - Fathers of Men.djvu/155

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make the most of them in the days before boxing and hockey. But it is good to think that one custom is still kept up, at all events in the house that once was Heriot's. When a boy has got his colours for cricket or football, or gained marks for his house in athletics, that night at tea the captain of the house says "Well played," or "Well run, So-and-So!" And over sixty sounding palms clap that hero loud and long.

On the night of the Mile it was old Mother Sprawson, who looked round to the long table in the middle of the uproar in his honour, and himself shouted something that very few could hear. But Chips always swore that it was "Well run, Tiger!" And although there were no marks for fourth place, it is certain that for the moment the row redoubled.