Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/120

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"I can't. They've tied me down by the hand. They handcuffed me down before, but I slipped the handcuff."

"Well! I want to get you out altogether."

"What, after giving me away as you did to Young?"

"I didn't give you away at all. But I'll have no more words about anything that's past. I know what you are, and what you deserve. Another word about that and I leave you to your fate!"

"Very well; let it rest. Have they sent for the police?"

"Not yet. I don't know why not. They're having quite a musical evening. I believe there's a horse all ready in the stables. I mean that horse for you. Did you manage to move any of these nuts?"

"Not one."

"No more can I. I'm going to look for a screw-hammer. Oh, I don't care what you've done! I want you to have this one more chance, and not be taken here!"