Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/22

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"I do; but not revolvers," said Irralie, "and not because of Stingaree."

"I see!"

"But to shoot fair game," concluded Irralie, severely. "To-day it was a fatted turkey for the great occasion of to-morrow's Sunday dinner."

"It is to be a great occasion, then?"

"You bet it is!" cried Irralie Villiers. "You mayn't have heard that this station has been bought by a new chum of an Englishman with a handle to his name? But it has, though; and much we care about the handle! A beggarly younger son, that's all he is; but if he was a lord and a duke in one it would make no difference to us! He'll make a fine mess of it, that's one thing sure. Fullarton his name is—the Honorable Greville Fullarton! Put that in your pipe and light it."

"And—and what do you expect him to be like?"

"Don't ask," replied the girl, warmly. "Nice words couldn't tell you. However,