Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/40

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"Your what?"

"Our spare rooms for Monday night. On Monday you will see this strip turned into a street of tents; these are the poles. When you go to a dance in the bush you stay the night. And the ladies take up all the rooms; and all the men camp out."

"I see," said the other; and he followed Irralie's lead among the pines.

"You aren't exactly keen about our party!" cried the girl, over her shoulder. "Can't you dance?"

"Not much."

"I thought not! But there is something else?"

"Yes; there are my clothes."

"I understood they were coming to-morrow?"

"Well, I expect them, certainly."

"I wonder if you do!"

And with the words the girl wheeled round and boldly regarded him by the light of the moon.

"Really, Miss Villiers, you take my