Page:Hornung - Irralies Bushranger.djvu/43

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"What about my horse?"

"It had come farther than you said; it had gone longer without water. A horse can go twice as long as a man; yet you were only thirsty, but your horse was hollow as a drum and nearly dead!"

For some moments he either could not or would not face her eyes; when once more he did so it was with a recovered calm, and something more than his former urbanity of speech.

"Will you then kindly tell me what you think?"

"I cannot!" cried the girl. "I think one thing one moment and another thing the next. I give you up; but as I had never any right to attempt to unriddle you, I also beg your pardon. Consider unsaid every word I've spoken; and forgive me if you can."

He laughed aloud.

"Forgive you. Miss Villiers! That's taking it a little too seriously, I am sure. But—the fact is—you are right! And upon