Page:Horrid Mysteries Volume 3.djvu/201

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peace of my mind on that heavenly morning. Every thing around me seemed to be animated with nameless beings; the mystic sounds which pervaded the forest, the fluctuating of the sun-beams in the rising vapours, the sparkling dew-drops gliding from one leaf upon the other, the current streams of vernal warmth, formed in my busy imagination a smiling picture, without colour, without a distinct contour and centre. The whole was attended with a certain obscure presension, with an ominous, though unintelligible, meaning; and some mystic certainty lurked in my soul, without my daring to confide in it the reality of its existence. The beautifullest landscape hailed our enraptured looks: yet its beauty rather consisted in a secret charm which my soul, unknowingly and secretly, imparted to it, than in the sweet variegated mixture of its parts. On our right a beautiful country seat stretched extensive gardens and pleasure grounds over the contiguous chain of hills: smiling,picturesque