Page:Horrid Mysteries Volume 3.djvu/220

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him very amiable, and told it him without reserve. I was several times in danger of giving way to jealousy; yet she always reconciled me again by the tenderness she evinced for me, and by numberless little endearments. The father took an artless and cordial share in the innocent flow of our spirits. The first rapture of joy was, however, of no long duration.


The Baron had made us promise, the first evening after our our arrival, to stay some weeks with him; and these weeks were gradually extended to months. Adelheid's natural seriousness returned by degrees. The Baron was fond of hunting, notwithstanding his age and infirmity; it being likewise the favourite diversion of the Count, they were almost the whole day in the forest; and I was fond of nothing. A small, well selected library did, indeed, agreeably fill up many of myhours;