Page:Horse shoes and horse shoeing.djvu/716

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Elephants, remains of, in tombs, 226.

Eloy, Saint, 203, 356, 394.

Epomanduodurum, 123.

Escape of King Alphonso,223; King Robert Bruce, 401; Duke Christopher, 401; Charles II., 453.

Ethelbert, laws of, 278.

Expansion of the hoof, 465, 504, 508, 519, 528, 535, 539; evil effects of the theory of, 542, 630.

Extravagance in horse-shoes, 439.

Fabretti, 79.

Farrier, first employment of term, 379.

Farriers' Company, 454; strike of, in Paris, 623.

Felt, shoeing with, 348, 436.

Ferrand, Count, of Flanders, 166.

Ferrers, Earl, 292, 410.

Ferrier, 381.

Ferrière, family name, 375.

Fiaschi, treatise on shoeing, 37, 444.

Field-forges, first employed, 420.

File in Châteleys tumulus, 130.

First employment of shoes, 12; iron, nailed on, 98.

Fitting shoes cold, 216.

Fitzwygram on shoeing, 554.

Flanders, Romano-Frankish remains found in, 187; stallions and horses imported from, 423, 469; shoes, 186, 426.

Fore-feet only shod, 77, 289.

Forge, Celtic remains of a, 128; first mention of, 398; AngloSaxon, 352; Walterle Bruin's, 399.

Franks, possessed few horses, 155; scarcity of horse-shoes in graves of, 158; cavalry held in little esteem by, 159.

Frog, expressions concerning, 25; structure and functions of, 635.

Froissart's Chronicles, 419.

Fullering, Burgundian, 194, 406, 425, 504.

Funerals, horses at, 104.

Gallo-Roman antiquities, 171, 186, 336; monument, 149.

Gates, shoes on, 292, 383.

Gauls, civilization of, 117.

Gauselfingen, 192.

Germans, ancient, 189; horses of,; writers on farriery, 450: saying of, 385.

Germany, ancient shoes found in, 191.

Gillingham, shoes found near, 284.

Giordano Rusto, 394.

Glantes ferrei, 72.

Glastonbury Abbey, 355.

Gloucester, ancient shoes found in, 253; iron-mines of, 253, 354, 421; corporation seal of, 422; arms of, 421.

Gold horse-shoes, 62, 65, 228, 440.

Goodenough method of shoeing, 597.

Goodwin, Treatise on shoeing by, 530, 678.

Gorchan Cynfelin, 238.

Goths, did not introduce shoeing, 240.

Graves, remains of horses in, 105, 226; horse-shoes in, 192, 387; hipposandals found in, 299.

Greeks, ancient, 12; poets, 21; sculpture, 28; cavalry of, 615.

Grinken, Schmidt, 347.

Groom of the Rein, duties of, 266.

Grooms, influence of, 507, 512.

Grooved shoes, Burgundian, 194.

Guibert, 398.

Gwely Taliesin, 341.

Gwentian code, 270.

Hainault, antiquities found at, 187.

Halstatt, discoveries at, 335.

Hammerman's Corporation, 454.

Hannibal's horses, 59.

Hardening hoofs, 24, 49, 51, 55.

Harold, his complaint, 207; conflict with Danes, 287; horses in time of, 287; at battle of Hastings, 282.

Harrow on Bayeaux tapestry, 409.

Hastings, battle of, 282.

Hayes, English ambassador, 441.

Heavy armour, 616.

Heavy shoes, 221, 392, 438, 451, 468, 472, 478, 510, 656; disadvantages of, 657.

Heel-clips, 527.

Hemricourt, Sire de, 431.

Herophilus, the Druid, 338.

Hide, used for horses' feet by Tartars, 7,60; camels, 27, 42; Indians, 232.

Highworth Church, painting in, 357.

Hipposandals, 298.

Hobbies, 400.

Hobelars, 400.

Hobnails, counting the, 399.

Hod Hill, encampment, 261.