Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/108

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his pace, trying to imagine the place where they had been assaulted. In the forest it was quite dark, but now and again as light rays of the moon pierced through and illuminated the white trunks of the trees, then the forest seemed to be full of motionless, silent people, nobody knew why. That also had happened to him once before in his life time, and was also like a dream.

“Zenaida Mikolaiefus!” he called her, pronouncing loudly her first name and softly the second, as if with this sound he was losing all hope that anyone would reply. And nobody answered.

After he had found out the path he went across the meadow. Now he entirely understood that all this had taken place, and he experienced great perplexity. At every turn he called out, but in vain!

“Zenaida Mikolaiefus! It is I! It is I!”