Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/137

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“Well,” said he, “next time I will present you as an assistant.”

“I am listening to your highness,” I said. “I have not been as yet in any expeditions.”

Although it is not necessary to be very wise to do that, one can say, but no, it is not so easy, and much discretion is needed. Yes, well…. After a week they called me before the chief, and also before this non-commissioned officer.

“We appoint you,” said the chief, “to an expedition, and it is necessary to set out at once. This is your assistant,” and he pointed to me. He had not yet been appointed, remember. He said: “Not to gape; show that you are no roistering blade if it happens that you have to drive out a young lady from a palace. Here you have the instructions,” he said, “and go with God’s help.”

The non-commissioned officer Ivanoff