Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/143

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my Ivanoff, as he entered the carriage, began at once to swear, and I did not dare then to say anything to her about it. Afterwards I ventured to approach her, and said, “Will you, Miss, please close the window.” She did not answer or pay any attention any more than if I had not spoken to her, yet I knew well she had heard all. I waited a little, then addressed her again: “You will catch cold, Miss; it is very cold.” She turned her face towards me and looked as if she was astonished. Again she looked at me and said in a very low voice: “Leave me alone!” And again she leant out of the window, and I waved my hand and retired. She then became calmer. She closed the window, wrapped herself in her overcoat—to keep warm, I think, for the wind was fresh and cold. Afterwards she approached the window and again looked out; evidently, after having been in prison,