Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/150

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“It is necessary,” I said, “to drive her to a vessel, it is even more convenient, for you will make more out of it….”

He accepted it, looking like a coward.

“The colonel lives here,” he said; “in order that nothing should happen to us, go,” he said, “ask, inquire of him; I cannot go, I feel unwell.”

“The colonel does not live very far off, let us go,” I added. “Let us take the young lady with us.” My reason for this was that Ivanoff being drunk I was afraid he would fall asleep again, and then it might turn out bad for our lady. She might go away by stealth in the meanwhile, I thought, or do herself some harm. Then we should have to answer for it.

We went to the colonel’s house. He came out to us.

“What do you want?” asked he.

Then she explained to him, but not speaking very politely. If she had asked nicely: “So and so, may I