Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/165

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of an angel in church!

I at once recognised that she was not going to live long in this cold world, and began to ask her forgiveness, just as she herself, I thought, would not like to die without forgiveness….

“Forgive me,” I said, “if I have done you any harm.” Again I noticed a certain inward excitement.

“To forgive you? Do you ask again, I will never forgive you, never!”

The narrator ceased speaking and began again to muse. Soon afterwards he recommenced, almost recapitulating.

This conversation ensued: You are an educated man, and ought to understand their speech: now I will tell you what I have retained. When they began to talk more calmly and softly I listened to them. These words fell into my soul, and still to-day I remember them, only I do not know their exact meaning. The young man addressed her with these words: