Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/28

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A peasant with a black beard appeared at another window, holding a cushion. In a moment he tore the cushion open and feathers rilled the court-yard.

“It snows! Just look! Your noses will be frozen!” he was shouting, looking at the white down, which was covering the heads of the crowd. The mob cried:

“Come here! Little Jews are found in the nest!”

“Break their heads against the wall!”

“Heigh there! Old Jew! Come down quickly; they are going to torture your little ones!”

“Hurry up! If not, then we shall kill all your offspring.”

A heart-breaking childish cry pierced the air—a terrible cry, which was all too soon drowned in the infuriated roar of the crowd, passing like lightning through a sky covered with clouds. Though for