Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/59

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waves fought their way through, with a superior force, until their firm will had broken the dam.

When during a lovely May morning, over shoreless azure depths, glitter the sun’s bright rays, meeting the emerald reflection cast by the silver colours of the sea, these waves playing frolicsomely, commence murmuring a song to the mariners, about the prolonged sea fight with the dam.

Like the free birds of the air, were these free waves!

Another storm rocked them with a song, and merrily, without a sigh, ran out these waves into the boundless ocean!

But, alas! a gloomy, wicked, man-tyrant, envying their happiness, decided to deprive them of liberty. They should not leap so proudly over the powerful abyss; neither should they smile so charmingly up to the blue heaven above