Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/83

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“Yes, I know. There behind the hill lies the town. Give me your hand, then we shall arrive sooner!” He held towards her his hand, delicate, and white as a woman’s. Then Tenaida was overwhelmed with joy. She wished to jump across the ditch calling: “Run after me!” But, however, she restrained herself with dignity, and slightly bending her head, a little timidly drew back her still almost childish hand. A wish then seized him to squeeze this shaking hand with all his might, but he also conquered himself, and took it with a bow full of respect, modestly turning round while the young girl was uncovering her small foot.

Then they went on again, talking incessantly, but the touch of their hands, joined together in a shake was a pleasure which did not leave them. She continued to feel the dry plane of his palm and the grasp of his strong fingers, which, in