Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/88

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like diamonds,” he answered, observing her eyes.

“And yours are black. Oh no, brown, and so warm, and in them——”

Tenaida did not finish saying what was in them, but in confusion turned aside. Her face became purple, her eyes timid and bashful, while her lips smiled involuntarily. Then she went forward alone, but soon she stopped.

“Look, the sun has set!” she exclaimed, unpleasantly astonished.

“Yes, over there,” he said with unexpected sharp regret. The light had gone, the shades had died away, and all around had become pale, dumb, and lifeless.

There, in the spot where one moment before all was shining, the burning sun creeping away, there now were masses of dark clouds, which seemed often to cover large spaces of immeasurable blue distance. The clouds were continually