Page:Hours Spent in Prison.djvu/99

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who was clean-shaved whistled low and derisively; the others remained silent, looking at the young couple with heavy and ill-boding searching glances.

All three were drunk, wickedly inclined, and desirous of passionate pleasures and excitement. One, red-faced and fat, lifted himself on his elbows, and after balancing himself upon the ground like a bear on his paws, got up, sighing heavily. His companions stared at him, and again turned their gaze upon Zenaida.

“Ah! fear seizes me,” she cried.

“Fear seizes me,” she repeated.

Without hearing these words, Niemoviecki understood her meaning by the heavy pressure of her hand. And, trying to preserve an expression of calmness, while feeling the inevitability of the fatal moment, he moved on with a sure, firm pace. Then these scoundrels with their murderous, glittering eyes, remained behind.