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important to get to the bottom of what was going on there. So I think there is a lot to look for there.

 : Three minutes, sir.

MR. SCHIFF: Any other areas that you haven't discussed already that raise concerns for you that you were not able to finish in terms of your own investigation?

MR MUSE: Since you have 3 minutes, why don't we take a little bit of a break, and then we might be a little more efficient. Is that okay?



MR. SIMPSON : Okay. I did think of some things.

MR. MUSE: So we are back on the record?

MR. SCHIFF: Yes, back on the record.

MR. SIMPSON: So, you know, I could probably think of other things, but I think one thing that is worth looking at is the relationships among people that are not known to be related, whether the Agalarovs know the Arifs, whether some of the other Russian oligarchs, whether they have social or business relationships, including that Roman Abramovich. And I think this question of the travel histories of Don Jr. and Ivanka, and whether they had other meetings with Russians is an area that is unexhausted. And specifically, the connections between the Ibramovichs and Ivanka and Jared is something that requires looking into, if it hasn't been.

So those are kind of — I mean, as I look at a lot of these guys, I see, you know, a Russian Central Asian organized crime nexus. So, I think the Arifs are in that category, and the Agalarovs are in that category, and I think they know each