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over, does it reflect or incorporate research that Fusion did? Does that two-page memo reflect or incorporate research that Fusion did in the Prevezon litigation?

A I don't know for sure. Actually, someone sent me a memo that I think was in Russian, and it wasn't this one. Yeah, like last week. Sorry. It was linked to a news article. Right. So, I have not studied this closely. And I certainly had no role in putting this together. And I didn't -- wasn't at the meeting, and I wasn't aware of what transpired at the meeting, including what was discussed.

Q So let's sort of take a -- I understand that's your testimony. So take it one at a time. Have you seen this -- do you recall seeing this memo before?

A I actually don't. Someone sent me one that was different, but -- so there was an article in Foreign Policy recently where they said we've got the memo. And I remember looking at it, and I don't remember it being this one. And I did read this article. I am familiar with some of the information in here.

Q Is it the same -- well, I believe you have already testified that your research connected to the Prevezon case involved Mr. Browder. Did it also involve researching the Ziff Brothers?

A Yes.

Q And did you share information in that connection with Ms. Veselnitskaya?

A Well, I would write memoranda for Baker Hofstetler. And yeah, I think I -- it ultimately -- ultimately would go to Ms. Veselnitskaya, in the litigation.

Q Were you aware that she was sharing information on these topics with the Russian prosecutor general's office?

A I don't know. I can tell you what I -- what happened, which was that