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And I suppose he would say he was lowballing them to save on taxes, but I think he was actually probably telling more truthful statements about the financial condition of a lot of his properties, which was extremely poor.

So there are interesting real estate tax records among the few tax records you can get publicly.

MR. SCHIFF: We'll yield back to the majority.

MR. ROONEY: Does the gentleman need a break?

MR. SIMPSON: I'd love to take a break.


MR. ROONEY: We are going to get called to votes probably here in the next 10 to 20 minutes, so I'm going to try to do a little bit of a lightning round, if I could.

But I just want to -- you know, generally speaking, with the stories that you were telling Mr. Schiff, you know, it's interesting that it seems like -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- it seems like -- they're fascinating, by the way. I mean, the story about him financing Doonbeg in Ireland through money that we can't really trace but has sort of the fingerprints of Russian mobsters.

I mean, I just -- it's almost like we need a plus one. And I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying it seems like with all this stuff that there's, you know, not the sort of, as what Trey was talking about, allegation versus fact, that, you know, with all those things that we talked -- that you talked to Adam about, we never really got to the fact part.

Is that true? Or do you feel like with your investigation that you made the conclusion that you think that those things are true -- or not that you think that they are, but they are true?