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BY  :

Q I just want to circle back to a couple things, Mr. Simpson.

When you say Christopher Steele provided you with raw data, you know, we take that to mean that that's information that has not been analyzed through the rest of, you know, the IC apparatus, for lack of a better term. Would you agree that that's what raw data is and that's what he gave you?

A I think I was using it in a somewhat less technical way. But, you know, but colloquially speaking, I mean, it was just sort of intended to say: Yes, this is field -- information from the field that has been collected, and it has been subjected to some level of sifting and analysis by Chris, because he's attempted to filter out unreliable sources or disinformation.

And so it's not totally raw. I mean, it's been through one round of harvesting.

Q So Mr. Steele communicated to you that he had done some analytical work on the data that he provided you?

A Yeah. I mean, he said he applied his professional skills to this to figure out whether it was credible.

Q Right. It's not like he just wrote everything down on a piece of paper and then handed it to you. He did apply his professional skills to it somewhat?

A Yeah. I mean, you can take that from reading the stuff that's been published. I mean, he put some level of summarizing what -- you know, essentially what he did was he talked to enough sources that you can summarize what they collectively are telling you, and that's in the writing of the memos.

Q And to follow up on Mr. Quigley's questioning, there was some information -- you said the large bulk of it is published in the dossier that was