Page:House of Commons (Disqualifications) Act 1801 (ukpga 18010052 en).pdf/2

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41° GEORGII III. Cap. 52.

any County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Cinque Port, Town, or Place, in that Part of the United Kingdom called Great Britain.

All Persons disabled from sitting in Irish Parliaments shall be disabled from sitting for Ireland II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, all Persons disabled from or incapable of being elected, or sitting and voting in the House of Commons of any Parliament of Ireland, shall be disabled from and be incapable of being elected, or sitting and voting in the House of Commons of any Parliament of the United Kingdom, as Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses, for any County, City, Borough, Town, or Place, in that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland.

Persons disabled by British Statutes, shall not hereby be enabled to sit for Ireland, nor e contràIII. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to enable Persons, hereto disabled by any Act of the Parliament of Great Britain from sitting and voting in the House of Commons of Great Britain, to sit or vote in the House of Commons of the said Parliament of the said United Kingdom, as Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses for any County, City, Borough, Town, or Place in that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland nor to enable Persons, heretofore disabled by any Acts of the Parliament of Ireland from sitting and voting in the House of Commons of Ireland, to sit or vote in the House of Commons of the Parliament of the said United Kingdom, as Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses, for any County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Cinque Port, Town., or Place, in that Part of the United Kingdom called Great Britain.

Persons who shall hold certain Places in Ireland, shall be disabled from sitting in any future Parliament of the United Kingdom, viz.IV. And whereas by the said Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, it was amongst other Things provided, That "until an Act shall have passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, providing in what Cases Persons holding Offices or Places of Profit under the Crown of Ireland shall be incapable of being Members of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, no greater Number of Members than Twenty holding such Offices or Places as aforesaid, shall be capable of sitting in the said House of Commons of the United Kingdom; "be it therefore further enacted, That, from and after the Dissolution or other Determination of this present Parliament, no Person or Persons who shall by himself or his Deputy, or any other in Trust for him, or for his Benefit, take, hold, enjoy, or execute, or continue to hold, enjoy, or from sitting in execute, any of the Offices, Employments, or Places of Profit herein-after any future Parliament of mentioned, in or for that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, shall be capable of being elected or chosen a Member of or of sitting or voting as a Member of the House of Commons of any Parliament of the said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in any Parliament which shall hereafter be summoned and holden; (that is to say),

Commissioners of Customs, Excise,and Stamps, &c.No Person who shall be Commissioner of Customs, Excise, or Stamps, or who shall be concerned, directly or indirectly, in the farming, collecting, or managing any of the Sums of Money, Duties, or other Aids, heretofore granted, or which shall hereafter be granted by any Act of Parliament to His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors (Except Treasury. except the Commissioners of the Treasury and their Secretary):}}

Commissioners of Appeals. Nor any Person who shall be a Commissioner for determining Appeals concerning the said Duties of Customs, Excise, or Stamps, or for controuling or auditing the Account of the said Duties (except the Auditor General of the Exchequer):

Commissioners of Accounts.Nor any Person who shall be a Commissioner of Imprest Accounts:

Army Agents.Nor any Agent for any Regiment: