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Page:Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines.djvu/355

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I N D E X.

Abort.J. W., cited 136
Aboriginal history perverted 273
Acosta, J. de, cited 194, 226
Adair, J., cited 54, 08, 100, 103
Adobe houses, ruins of 189
mortar 177
Aleuts, communal dwellings 71
hospitality of the 53
Altars, Mound-Builders' 216
Amidas, P 47
Ancient society, uniformity in the plan of 1
Anonymous Conqueror 234
Arroyo pueblo 164
Arickarees 125, 130
Athenian tribes, coalesence of 34
Atolli: 101
Aztec Confederacy 23
Aztecs, cremation among the 220
eating customs of the 101
extravagant accounts concerning the 222
governmental institutions of the 226
houses of the 222, 256
social system of the 221, 226
Bachofen, Professor 121
Bancroft, H. H 223
cited 235, 245
Bandelier, A. F., cited 84, 180, 232, 233, 249
Barlow, Arthur 47
Bartram, John, cited 46, 123
Brasseur de Bourbourg, C. E. 223, 224
Calpulli 81
Caribs, communal dwellings of the 76
houses of the 229
Carver, J., cited 54, 72, 113
Casa Cerrada or closed house 267
Castañeda, S. de N., cited 204
Catlin, G., cited 50, 72, 100, 102
Champlain, S. de, cited 124
Chiapas, village of 252
Chickasas, gentes and phratries 6
Chilluckitlequaw, hospitality of the 53
Chimneys, absence of 183
unknown in Yucatan and Central America 183
Chinooks, houses of the 111
Chocta, gentes and phratries 15
Chopunish, houses of the 110
Cibola, Seven Cities of 129, 167
site of the 170
Clabclellahs, houses of the 111
Clan, the Scottish 1
Clarke, J. S. 124
Clatsops, houses of the 111
Clavigero, F. S., cited 101, 178
Columbus, Christopher 76
Communal dwellings 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 85
of tribes in Lower Status of barbarism 113
of tribes in savagery 100
of Village Indians of New Mexico 136
Communism among ancient Mexicans 232
in living 63
in relation to dwellings 63
Confederacies, origin of 24
Confederacy confined to a common language 24
Iroquois. See Iroquois Confederacy.
of the Aztecs 23, 24
Creek 23
Dakota 23
Moki 23
Ottawa 23
the nearest analogue of nation 18
Copan grave posts 257
idols 257
Coronado, F. V., cited 129, 135, 107, 205
Core used in the architecture of Yucatan 267
Cortez, F 223, 232
cited 59, 240
Coues, E., cited 195
Creek Confederacy 23
Creek Indians, communal dwellings of the Crees 68
Cremation among Mound-Builders 215
practice of, among the Aztecs 220
Mayas 220
Tlascalans 220
Crossman, Captain, cited 130
Culture periods 43
Curia, the Roman 14
Cutler, J. G 210