Page:How Henry Ford is regarded in Brazil (1926).djvu/26

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main a spectator. He could look up and see the others flying, if he liked.

This pressure worked miracles. Intelligence is gas. If we compress it at the same time that we seal up all way of escape, it will make an outlet for itself.

That is what German genius did. It created a new motor, having nothing in common with the forbidden Diesel, and by means of this new engine has to-day surpassed its rivals.

Lina Hirsch, the virile woman journalist who keeps us here in touch with the evolution of Germany, writes in her last letter of the marvellous results of the high-pressure steam turbine, an engine which exceeds in efficiency and simplicity the prohibited motor. With this engine they can build a transatlantic aeroplane able to fly from Germany to the United States in one day, a distance that the Diesel (when still in German hands) covered – and it was considered a miracle – in two-and-a-half days.

From this simple example we see how ridiculous, how childish is the notion reactionaries entertain, imagining it to be possible to suffocate the human mind. They only obtain the opposite result: they double its efficiency and make it veritably omnipotent, thaumaturgic.

The miracles that Germany effects in all branches of industry have the same origin as the mira-