Page:How contagion and infection are spread, through the sweating system in the tailoring trade.djvu/18

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Tabulated Report of the Streets Visited and number of Men and Women Employed, with remarks on their appearance.
Number of men employed in houses visited. Number of women and girls employed in houses visited. REMARKS.
Turner Street  2  2 One house was found where father, mother, stepson, and 5 other squalid-looking children were engaged at work in a garret, in such a state that it is calculated to generate disease. One man and family respectable; the others very untidy, and some may be termed pestilential. The personal appearance of a large number of those employed was slovenly and dirty in the extreme, and such as would appear liable to sickness. The condition of many of the houses was such as is calculated to breed distempers through foul smells and want of cleanliness. Though we saw many instances of sickness even amongst those at work, and in the houses visited, yet when we inquired what were the nature of their complaints, it was generally stated asthma, consumption, bronchitis, or rheumatism; we felt that in some cases the real illness was withheld, as there appeared a general reluctance to state the complaints; in one instance we were asked if the inspectors had sent us. We could see consumption breathed into the garments being made up by some of the workers, whose appearance it was pitiable to witness, and in some eases by both women and children. In many places, we have no hesitation in saying the atmosphere was pestilential.
Sudell Street  2  2
Stonehewer Street  3  . .
Lord Street  6  . .
Marshall Street  9  . .
Haddington Street  15  . .
Chadderton Street  1  . .
Goulden Street  4  . .
Cross Street  1  1
Hanover Street  7  . .
Oswald Street  8  . .
Miller Street  12  9
Balloon Street  6  58
Back Balloon Street  8  5
Holgate Street  1  1
Back Holgate Street       2  8
Thomson Street  4  11
Foundry Street  1  3
Pump Street  3  4
Nelson Street  2  2
Pilling Street  1  1
Little Pilling Street  3  2
Railway Stores  25  8
Fountain Street  1  . .
Husband Street  . .  4
Chillingham Street  1  . .
Hannah Street  1  . .
Teignmouth Street  2  2
Briddon Street  . .  1
Shudehill  33  . .
Thornley Brow  . .  . .
Dantzic Street  4  20
Hargreaves Street  2  . .
Ashley Lane  3  3
Crown Lane  2  1
Timber Street  . .  3
Angel Street  7  15
Mount Street  1  1
Simpson Street  1  1
Dycbe Street  1  1
Simeon Street  1  1
Dewhurst Street  1  . .
Back George's Road  5  6
Twemlow Street  1  1
Nelson Street  2  2
Horne Street  1  3
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