Page:How to Keep Bees.djvu/213

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the robbers, which they join, thus swearing allegiance to a new flag. Others, more loyal, will cling to the old empty comb, cluster there, hopeless and despairing until they die of starvation.


Be sure that the bees are robbing, before applying remedies.

Keep the colonies strong.

Keep watch of the hives in early spring and late fall when there is no honey coming in.

Leave no honey or loose comb open around the apiary under any circumstances.

If bees are determined to rob when the hives are opened by the operator, it is best to work under a bee tent or after nightfall.

Robbing demoralises the whole apiary. If the bees are cross, look out for robbers.

Be very careful in uncapping not to let the bees get a taste of the chyle food, as that makes them very cross and wild to rob.

Keep Italians.

Do not let the colony become queenless, as a queenless colony is legitimate prey for many depredators.