Page:How to Keep Bees.djvu/228

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PLATE XXV. Fig. 1.—Vertical longitudinal section of the body of a larva of an insect; s, body-wall or skeleton; m, muscles; a, alimentary canal; h, heart; n, nervous system; r, reproductive organs. Fig. 2.—Section of the body-wall; c, cuticle; h, hypodermis; t, trichogen or hair-forming cell. Fig. 3—Head of a bee and its appendages; a. antenna; c, clypens; u, upper lip or labrum; m, mandible; mx. maxilla; l, lower lip or labium; p, labial palpus. Fig. 4.—Glands of a honey-bee (after Girard); 1, supracerebral glands; 2, post-cerebral glands; 3 thoracic glands. Fig. 5.—The wax-plates (after Cheshire).