Page:How to Keep Bees.djvu/266

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Cowen, T. W. "Bee-Keeper's Guide Books." The first of these little volumes is a clear and excellent account of the anatomy of the bee. The second is a concise and helpful book on the methods of bee-keeping as practiced in England.
Huber, Franz. "Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles," published in 1792. English translation in 1841. This classic in bee literature is one of the most delightful of all the bee books that have been written. It shows the careful methods of this blind scientist who has given us more of the understanding of the bee and its life than any other investigator or writer.
Hutchinson, W. Z. "Advanced Bee Culture."
Hutchinson, W. Z. "Comb Honey." Mr. Hutchinson is one of our most successful bee-keepers, and he writes clearly and understandingly of his methods.
Langstroth, L. L. "The Hive and Honey-Bee." This classic in American apiculture has been revised and kept up-to-date by the scholarly Dadants', father and son, who are well known on two continents as successful bee-keepers. This book written by the father of American apiculture is comprehensive, and is good literature as well as good bee-keeping.
Lubbock, Sir John. "Ants, Bees and Wasps." Although this is a book of scientific experiments, it should be read by every bee-keeper. No other book tells so well the patience and ingenuity necessary to discover what the bee knows and why it does certain things.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. "The Life of the Bee." This exquisite piece of literature and social philosophy has attracted much attention, and has introduced the world at large to the wonderful life of the honey-bee in such a poetic and dramatic manner, that most people have regarded it as a work of fiction. Maeterlinck is said to be a practical apiarist, and his book is based upon the facts of bee life as he understood them at the time the book was written. Though some of his facts be questioned, yet probably his statements are no more doubtful than would be those of almost any bee-keeper should he try to write what he thinks he knows