Page:How to Play Chess (Rogers).djvu/139

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ning of the game. White's method of attack is to force his adversary into a corner square or into one that adjoins a corner and then checkmate with the Bishop that is on the square in the same diagonal. White can accomplish this in fourteen moves. The game is notated thus:—

white. black.
1. B—KR3 K—Qsq.
2. B—KB4 K—K2
3. K—K2 K—KB3
4. K—KB3 K—K2
5. B—KB5 K—B3
6. K—KKt.4 K—K2
7. K—KKt.5 K—Qsq.
8. K—KB6 K—Ksq.
9. B—QB7 K—Bsq.
10. B—Q7 K—Kt.sq.
11. K—KKt.6 K—Bsq.
12. B—Q6 (ch.) K—Kt.sq.
13. B—K6 (ch.) K—Rsq.
14. B—K5 (mate).

The possibilities for Black to win in this game are so small that the only thing for him to do is to move back and forth, postponing White's victory as long as possible. There are many instances, how-