Page:How to See the Vatican, Sladen, 1914.djvu/45

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though it was Nicholas who built the walls of the Appartamenti which Pinturicchio frescoed for the Borgias, and of the Stanze which Raffaelle immortalized for Julius ii.

Of the thousands of marvellous manuscripts, and the paintings of the Classic Age, gathered in the Library, of the Vatican Codex and the Nozze Aldobrandini, and the bits of Old Roman life from the Catacombs, I speak in their place.

The immortal grace of Raffaelle in the Stanze and Loggie, the magnificence of Michel Angelo in the Sistine Chapel, the masterpieces of the Vatican Picture Gallery, even the visions of Greece in her glory, which people the Sculpture Halls of the transformed Villa of Innocent viii., I pass by in silent wonder, for they are not in the secret places of the Vatican.

But it is not everyone who can effect a visit to the Borgia Rooms which Leo xiii. rescued from the tall bookcases of the library, and restored to apartments for Princes. Here till recently, like his forerunners when their high office was first created, dwelt the Cardinal Secretary of State amid the almost matchless splendour of the halls which Alexander vi. caused to be frescoed by Pinturicchio. The Borgia Apartments are the most sparkling gem in the Vatican's golden crown of art.