Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1059

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Citron-blows the o. grove 747 14 Citronen-Land wo die C. bluhen. . 572 9 City-as a whole c. is affected 391 20 as the sun sinks low 538 IS bates every c. upon the say 401 2 bust outlives the c 43 16 caoutchouc c 552 6 deepest c. in the world 553 2 falls on the old gray c 555 3 full of crooked streets 444 22 greatest city of the West 451 7 guide to that c. of Peace 669 5 hethattakethac 746 2 his airy c. builds 677 2 languageisa c ,426 7 lifesgreatc 55 6 like ragged purple dream 552 8 longin c. pent 141 l lovely c.-Carcassonne 89 16 men are the c.'s fortress 841 15 moon rose over the c .512 20 more hostile to a c 825 10 near a whole c. full 595 14 of By^and-by 605 6 of glorious days % 552 4 of Surcease 165 13 of the dead 165 14 of the long c. street . A 448 G of the saintly 792 14 of thesoul! 677 10 on the waves built a c 831 10 passers in the c. street 699 1 raise inconsiderable c 314 19 see my c. of cities float 553 2 silence of the o 709 1 sound for thee, of God. '. 318 19 stood against its revilers 552 S thefirst c.Cain 307 10 their branches spread a c 597 4 through the Imperial c 512 27 to the c. Ispahan 210 9 towers in the c. of God 341 2 up and down the C. Road 521 is upper ten thousand of the c 725 6 when he came to a strange c. ..918 8 within c. walk an owl was 574 16 see also Cities p. 121 CityHall-thatC.H. brogue 552 10 Ovem-incolamet c. arbitrabatur 912 20 Cives-serrarec, major est 587 6 Civet-amber, musk and c 261 12 pourfaireunc 138 9 talk withe, in the room 593 17 your courtly c. cats 593 24 Civibus-pax cum c. bello 588 7 Civic-by nature a c. animal 610 17 Civil-arts of c. policy 590 20 but prevent c. war 850 12 dire effects from c. discord 841 14 execute any c. process 369 8 generally c. nobody thanked . . .493 16 habit covers a good man 346 18 land rent withe, feuds 335 6 lead the c. code 606 S most c. sort of lie 485 17 over violent or over c 99 5 sea grew c. at her song 511 9 service than c. war 588 7 to Folks he ne'er saw 394 19 too c. by half 144 15 wounds of c. war 850 11 Civilis-sedent c. vulnera 850 11 Civilities-sweet c. of lif e 702 7 Civility-Iseeawildec 705 15 plays therest 257 11 show of smooth c 144 10 Civilization-doctrines of new c 873 24 doosgitforrid 850 8 fauna of c 914 II founders of c 19 6 indispensable factor in c 842 7 isaprogress 242 9 seeming to be in the balance. . . .860 G urgent duty towards c 842 9 Ci vihzations-meet they fight 843 5 Civilized-example of c, mind 826 7 last thing c. by man 891 16 man cannot live without cooks. 213 13 Pjvis-romanus sum 859 18 Civium-ardor prava 142 21 commutanduc 334 1 Clad-in blue and gold 78 1 in the beauty of stars 60 7 naked every day he c 595 7 sober livery all things c 238 22 with native honor o 919 19 Claim-cannot c. as a reward 267 10 conscious of her c 224 17 isallthatlc 507 4 to be a good man 328 18 to my inheritance 433 26 what numbers c 51 11 Claimed-again which was lent 81 1 6 Claiming-meed of fairest 324 17 then c. for his own 598 21 Claims-of self-love in others 697 4 the living have their c 351 13 Clair-au c. de la lune 527 1 Clamant-cum tacent c 708 8 Clamantis-voxcindeserto.. .. . .840 14 Clamber-'tis he may c 401 s to the frozen moon 527 7 Clamor-and c. moisten'd 782 24 hour inc. a quarter in 508 23 of the crowded street 101 10 quick and merry c 706 11 whilst I was big in c 724 22 with c. keep her still awake 499 24 Clamorous-pauperismfeasteth.. .425 22 with such a c. smack 419 5 Clanging-to the pavement 67 20 Clangor-of boundless Strife 454 19 Clank-hark to the c. of iron 365 12 Clap-believe, c. your hands 253 13 on Dutch bottoms 85 12 Clapper-his tongue is thee 359 9 toll me the purple c 124 9 Clapper-clawing-one another 0. . . 197 7 Claps-dog Him with after c 517 5 Claretr-his c. good 874 is swimingoodc 274 1 take to light c 212 25 the liquor for boys 875 23 Clarified-and glorified 537 15 Clarion-larks is a c. call 69 17 sound thee 314 9 the pen became a c 592 16 Clarity-washes hillsides with c — 765 23 Clarte-est la bonne foi 596 26 lac. ornelespensees 758 25 Clash-wit is thee 884 1 Clashed-they never c 496 9 Clasp-in one c. of your arms 480 14 Clasps-in gold c. locks in the 79 26 Class-no c. of human beings 697 1 of irrational bipeds 81 2 studious c. are own victims 756 24 that c. at the North 715 20 to middle c. we must look 649 4 Classes-her noblest work she c. . . . 887 7 into three separatee 724 15 seized all ranks and c 724 17 thee, and masses 724 17 there are two c. of people 443 23 Classic-tread on c. ground 402 1 Classical-quotation the parole . . .654 10 Claustra-nec immense moles.. ..514 25 Clavus-clavopeUitur 346 22 Claws-hands Hke c 96 23 with good and sufficient c 552 5 Clay-a handful of c ' 895 17 all are made of c 236 4 and c. differs in dignity 194 21 any shape like soft c 100 15 blind his soul withe 531 20 Cffisar dead and turned to c 191 10 changed, to senseless c 780 is chaosofhardc 97 2 creatures of c 487 17 earth moulded out of c 694 7 foolish compounded c. man 429 25 formed of common c 59 24 from ourdull c 158 2 gilded loam or painted c 668 2 his c. be remoulded 229 3 is pliant to command 619 20 made of such quicksilver c 390 18 mortal made of c 888 13 of the common road 459 7 out of their books are c 76 6 perish on thy poisonous c 165 24 porcelain of human c. . . 488 10 porcelain c. of human kind 559 13 potter power over the c 620 6 purely-temper'd c 229 15 quenched in thee 738 7 rake from coffin'd c 148 12 sweetc, from the breast 459 6 tenement of c 737 5 the cat thy feet 679 4 thou art moist and soft c 103 2 though all aremade of c, 620 1 Vanbrugh's house of c 230 12 warm with genial heat 459 9 we are but c 805 12 well mixed with marl., 620 1 wherein the footprints of age . . . 190 2 7 woman! mere cold c 887 6 you are pretty fine c 784 15 Clean-clear fire, a c. hearth 90 3 drops too few to wash her c 346 14 from my hand 535 1 Godloveththec 122 5 grew more c. and white -r.416 22 keep c, be as fruit 345 5 make it as c. as you can 242 12 new broome sweepeth c 639 6 should cits slate. . . ., 613 4 spitting on face make it c 276 2 5 Cleanliness-see p., 122 Cleanse-pause and c. his feet 55 8 the stuff'd bosom 503 27 the tainted blood 319 21 the temple, right the 489 14 Clear-as a whistle 639 9 fire, a clean hearth 90 3 more calmly c 782 8 seems to make things c 859 13 the coast was c 642 11 though deep yet c 785 9 Clear-eyed-and laughing 165 1 darling, c. sweet 501 3 Clearing-house-of the world 462 12 Clearness-marks sincerity 596 26 ornaments thoughts 758 25 Cleave-thou the wood 320 19 Clef-la. c. des champs 647 15 Cleft-blocks better c. with 560 12 Hock of Ages, c. forme 320 11 Rock struck and c for me 315 18 Clemence-est la plus belle 683 16 Clemency-is surest proof 683 1 6 Cleon-dwellethinapalace 616 2 Cleopatra-nose of C. 393 1 pleased with less than C. ..... . 468 6 Clergy-an Arminian c 664 10 cause c. with lustrations 574 16 Clergyman-Godpreaches, noted c. 630 9 if ache lies 485 14 that good man, thee 668 17 men, women and c 724 26 Clerical-arms of c. militia 75 19 Clerk-less illustrious, goes c 630 1 Clerks-there are c 212 15 Clever-but is it art 44 6 let who will bee 327 19 men are good but not best 98 6 tyrants never punished 825 23 Clients-plead their c.'s causes 430 21 to make c. lay. 569 5 Cliff-as e'en silver on the c 324 14 each c a narrow bower 281 l grow I from the c 482 22 hangs from summit of c 228 18 on this wild 0. unseen 554 10 tall c that lifts 127 17 the high c's ragged edge 326 10 'Twas a dangerous c 159 8 Cliffs-glittering c. on c 122 12 ken thy chalky c 754 10 laughs behind here 401 18 like thy hoar c 401 20 propping the c. above 877 12 there on the cragged c 592 5 Climate-creating a sweetc 566 15 every soil must bring 703 18 writ in the c of heaven 426 11 Climb-cease or c. upward 191 17 clasping ivy where toe 402 15 do their best to c 635 3 fain would I c. yet fear 268 19 never c. in vain 821 4 Sinaisc. and know it not 532 20 steps, to c. to Thee 345 8 strong to c 402 10 the steep where fame's 256 9 till he knows how toe 245 7 to c. and descend 244 21 to the top 823 22 too high lest he fall 761 13 Climber-upward turns 21 13 Climbing-down, thou c. sorrow . .735 12