Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1066

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1028 CONSOLER CONTROVERSIES of the lonely 617 13 ConBort-such a c. as they keep. . .719 2 Conapectius-in ae crimen 831 20 Conapicuous-by its absence 3 6 by its presence 3 5 in beauty faults c. grow 59 4 more e. in proportion to 831 20 most o. thing in landscape 700 5 than to make itself c 429 11 virtues or thy faults c 510 18 Conspiracies-no sooner formed. . . 132 12 Conspiracy-see p. 132 Conspirare-in unum c 647 4 Conspirators-all c. save only he. .560 5 Conspire-against thy friend 132 16 you and 1 with him c 449 10 Conspirers-where c. are 132 14 Conspiring-with him 52 5 Constable-of the watch 104 18 outrun the c 165 17 Constabulary-whenc.duty'8tobe33l 18 Constancy-Be strong upon 132 22 infernal c. of women who 480 15 lives in realms above 27 13 men of such c. put 133 4 no object worth its c 527 17 pack-horse c 154 10 since truth and c. are vain . . . .243 6 the hyacinth for c 382 28 to change the mind 132 18 Constant-and thou chainest time. 798 10 as the northern star 132 23 change is c 94 G friendship is c 303 11 in all other things save 478 25 nor the c. one as foe 880 26 not c. but changing still 390 19 she is so c. to me 734 15 the wild are c 581 7 to one thing c. never 901 24 too c. use of good things 520 18 were man but c 133 6 Constantinople-shall not have C.848 10 Constellatea-flowerthatneversets281 9 Constellation-a c. of virtues 868 26 banner's c. types 274 6 Constellations-all heaven and 49S 7 gliding slow her c. come 749 3 new c. spring 700 21 vulgar c. thick 766 9 Constitution -an original C 861 15 construe the C. by any 563 17 higher law than the C 433 7 in its provisions 827 9 is pleased to direct 248 13 its C. the glittering and 572 18 let the c. live 332 1 like the British C 760 9 limits of a c 817 15 one C. one Destiny 82S 10 principle of English c 683 5 proportioned to human c 783 25 through eternal c 242 7 Constitutional-clearly written c. .332 16 no eyes but c. eyes 248 16 Constitutione-fflterna c 242 7 Constitutions-man more than C. SI 1 18 scraps of paper called c 335 8 Constraint-a man, with a man's c . 459 2 Conatrictos-trahit c. gloria curra 313 22 Constructing-organized 398 8 Constructive-with no c. duties. . .587 18 Construe-the Constitution byany563 17 Consueta-damna minus c. movent 12 9 Consuetudine-cogitationem a c . .777 8 nil o. majus 347 4 Consuetudo-altera natura 346 19 consuetudine vincitur 346 22 legum interpres c 154 15 natura potentior 347 10 pcssima est 520 18 pro lege servatur 154 14 vetus c. natura? 154 7 Consult-Brother Jonathan 23 9 our private ends 10 12 too long 12 24 Consultation^with casuists 789 18 Consulted-never c. except after. .880 24 Consulto-prius quam incipias c . . 8 12 ConaultoiemV-ne c. sinon apres. . .880 24 Consuma-que nuerte no le o 793 7 Consume-as they kiss, c 188 2 or degrade whole life 911 19 or wrath o. me quite 456 19 themselves in little time 799 24 the thing that feeds 246 16 ConsumecMhe midnight oil 435 19 Consummate- the bright c. flower. 280 8 Consummation-to inward sense. . 58 4 Consumpsimus-cra8hesternumc.807 21 Conta-cni c. i colpi 285 20 Contact-with manner, education. 367 16 Contagion-Anglo-Saxon c 219 10 breathes c. to this world 556 14 vile c. of the night 706 22 Contaminate-fingers with bribes. 84 10 Contemnere-non est c. tutum. . . . 475 12 Contemneth-thatc. small things. 815 7 Contemnitur-cum c 160 7 Contemns-them all and hates . . .297 11 Contemplate-could we cease to c.530 18 many hours must I c 799 5 Contemplates-the thing it c 377 22 Contemplation-mind Berene fore. 373 14 best nurse C 731 2 for c. he and valor formed 102 15 for man's c 488 18 of its sufferings 515 9 retrospective c 515 11 see also Contemplation p. 133 Cbntempktive-mind is soft c 260 13 subtly of herself c 893 22 Contemporaneous-posterity 619 15 reputation being c 257 19 Contempt-and anger of his lip. . .692 14 and grace 127 1 and laughter of mankind 621 11 familiarity breeds c 159 16, 259 24 fore, too high 520 3 for the dogs 228 18 is failure's share 253 7 not for such c 419 2 of others, and Jealousy 101 3 to shun c 133 16 will grow more o 499 15 Contempta-quam c. res est homo . 345 7 parva scintilla c 272 24 Contemptible-nothing more c. . . 348 15 makes money not c stone 522 14 to shun contempt 133 15 war in fact is becoming c 845 4 Coritemptum-f amiliaritas parit c . 259 24 periculorum 159 15 Cohtend-chiefs c only for 136 18 chiefs c. 'til all 21 4 gods c. in vain 758 10 made these chiefs c 136 14 rhetoric, able to c 216 15 would not in vain c 789 24 Contending-fiercec. nations 841 14 Con tends-f ool c. that God is not . 307 9 Content-and pleasure 30 6 be c. with the moon 912 4 he that can be c 331 2 humble livers in c 735 9 I am c 163 22 in calm c. in toil or strife 395 2 mine own o 135 13 not food, but c 211 27 not for us are o. and quiet 121 is nul n'est c. de sa fortune 690 18 peace, and sweet c 692 17 poor and c. is rich 622 4 rest c, I kiss your eyes 418 7 sing to lap me in c 547 17 thus liveth she c 870 26 thyself obscurely good 372 21 to dwell in decencies 838 2 to follow when we lead 243 6 to know and be unknown 341 6 to seem what you are 348 15 to spend the time 186 20 to wear higher crown 862 l to wither, pale 457 18 wise if we be made o 255 2 with his past life 446 12 with liberty 350 16 with mediocrity 12 24 with our own is wealth 864 18 with that lot in life 195 12 with what we understand 255 2 see also Content pp 133-136 Contented-I sit with my pint 804 6 same belov'd c. thing 837 22 slaves, howe'er o 294 23 see also Content pp. 133-136 Contenter-tout le monde et son. .691 1 Con ten tion-sce p. 136 Contentions-shattered by c 118 14 a c. woman 136 21 fierce, ardent 136 23 aloof from sharp c 136 15 of a wife are continual 870 12 Contentment-all enjoying, what c.225 16 and c. these 73 3, 436 10 blessing of the house is c 370 S wealth without c 865 3 with c. crowns the thought. . . .316 13 see also Content pp. 133-136 Contents-answering for the c. . . .649 16 as you will wonder at 618 16 dribbling out their base c 875 4 its c. torn out 230 14 like the c. of a bottle 443 23 Contentum-Ubertate c. negligere.350 16 vero suis rebus 864 18 Contentus-exacto c. tempora . . . .446 12 ilia c. vivat 195 12 Contest-between House of Have. 635 7 great c. follows 136 10 in the middle of the c 699 23 let fools c 834 6 to this great public c 413 13 with men above 41 16 Contests-mighty c. rise from 670 19 of disputing friends 42 6 Contigit-hic c. orrmes 905 13 Contiguity-boundless c. of shade. 730 12 Contiguous-in the c. shade 814 10 Continent-a boundless c 915 1 boundless c. is yours 623 13 discovered a c 810 19 from c. to c 218 11 from one end of c to other. . . .368 7 on this c. a new nation 236 3 orbed c. the fire 766 25 upheave the c 22 19 weary of solid firmness 673 4 Cfcntinentally-learn to think c. . . 753 4 Continents-cloud c. of sunset seas 769 17 thrilled two c 23 6 wert before the e 568 6 Contingent-its c. of master-spirits 309 6 Contingis-deos quoniam propius 322 20 Continuance-of his own hie 619 11 Contmue-others c. but never. . . .202 16 Contortions-of the sibyl 125 20 ContracMfriendshipj made by c.303 19 master, I've filled my c 669 19 Contracted-Bluebirds have c . , . , 73 16 Contracts-inverts and gives 260 12 Cfcmtradict-everything you said. . 132 8 lose no time to c. her 896 6 we must not c 779 1 Contradiction-a c. to our belief . .524 9 and all a c 894 6 she as well likes c 497 8 what a subject of c 490 26 woman's at best a c 893 7 Contradictions-full of c 202 16 Contradictoriea-eitheroftwoc. .. 74 6 Contraire-le c. des bruits 820 6 Contraries-concord's born of c. . . 830 28 Contrario-comme per il c 387 19 Contrary-all winds are c 873 7 doth make thee wondered 894 18 dreams are c 202 24 withe, blast proclaims 253 7 Contrast-little c. , with great 127 1 1 Contravention-in c. of those rightsS49 4 Cfcratribuens-misera c. plebs 332 12 Contribution-beg a trivial c 621 27 to the general stock 864 23 Contrition-felt for crime 665 21 my sins, and my c ..628 13 Contrivances-by underhand c. . .383 18 Contrive-gives him leisure to c . . . 843 7 had a head to c 98 18 woman's head c 891 6 Contrived-nothing yet c. by man . 395 5 Control-beyond my individual c . 120 2 efforts to c. the forces 454 17 equal-poised c 303 20 I would have nobody c me 331 2 nature, nature's course c 548 12 over which he has no c 120 27 stops with the shore 566 1 words he HiaHajnq to o 905 2 your passion or it will c 27 21 Control led -by words he disdaini.905 2 Controls-them and subdues 393 13 Controversies-decide all c 197 22