Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1102

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1064 EMERGENCY ENDS prudent in e 254 18 rise up to the e 753 13 Emergunt-haud facile e. quorum 621 9 Emerson-first whose rich words. .904 20 Emigravit-is the inscription 232 6 Eminence-by way of E. 691 21 kings climb to e 845 16 she raiseB to e 291 17 to that bade 193 2 Eminent-bark at e. men 227 9 tax man pays ... for being e.341 23 Emir-of tyrannic power 750 2 Emittitur-nihil facilius e 89 2 Emori-nolo 166 9 Emotion-^cannotdemonstrateane.OSe 15 fire of his youthful e 400 15 heart is bo full of e 270 17 precipitated in crystals 260 8 sentiment, intellectualized e . . . 260 8 tones of deep e 713 4 Emotions'-both of rage and fear. .722 24 fine E. whence our lives 445 12 Empereur-qu'e. enterre 65 4 Emperor-by e. and clown 558 3 Germany and the German E.. .859 17 in my own house am an e 370 17 it becomes an E . A 180 1 made history 138 12 reign of the E. Hwang 619 21 than a buried E 65 7 without his crown 163 19 Emperors-have for so many ages .915 6 souls of E. and cobblers 126 17 Empery-kneel down and bless thee.531 14 Emphasis-glides on without e.. . .840 18 Emphasi2ed-must be repeatedly e.842 G Empire-Independent E 861 15 change the laws of e 392 6 claim the e. of the sea 615 20 cutpurse of the e 786 IB found a great e 225 6 IVench, the e. of the land 615 e great mother E. stands 223 17 held the scale of E 18 22 immense e. of CharleB V 616 16 immensest e. is too narrow 682 21 l'e., c'est la paix 589 18 lesloisd'une 392 5 mind to me an e. is 516 7 no opponent in all the e 333 10 nor Roman nor E 543 26 rod of e. might have swayed . . . 100 2 rule thee, of himself 739 4 s'arrogent l'e des mere 615 20 survey our e 548 15 the e. means peace 589 18 thy dread e. Chaos 97 7 trade's proud e. hastes 86 12 Westward the course of e 634 18 westward the star of e 634 16 Empires-are far below thy aim . .861 5 as yourselves your e. fall 684 2 everlasting hostile e 736 26 in their purpose 22 9 laid e. waste 825 3 men with e. in their brains. , . .753 6 rise of e. and fall of kings 315 17 rise of 0. and their fall 316 16 which buries e. and cities 289 24 whose game was e 306 21 Empiric-spring the e.'s gains 652 16 Emplois-des e. qu'on n'a pas 919 23 paraitf e digne des e 919 23 Employ-long nights e 226 7 your chief est thoughts 901 21 Employed-cannot better be e 234 9 devil find you e 909 la single talent well e 565 25 what God e. himself about .... 363 24 Employer-contre ses ennemis 222 7 Employment-and hardships 505 21 hand of little e. hath 566 1 love yields to e 475 17 man who gives me e 715 19 seeks and thirsts for e 910 5 to accept this arduous e 306 20 Employments-wearied with e 719 9 wishing of all e. is worst 883 3 Empoison-ill word e. liking 714 26 Empoiaonne-ma plume 48 10 Empress-sits e. crowning good. . .332 8 Emprise-of slow evont 348 10 Emptiness-of ages in his face. . . .425 6 smiles his e. betray 722 10 Emptio-nam mala e. semper 87 2 Empty-against e. praise 624 22 as when they are e 708 21 foolish words and e. story 338 16 heads console with e. sound. . .743 20 hell is e 363 22 life is but an e. dream 447 15 reasoning on Policy 408 7 singer of an e. day 719 6 still, and neat and fair 921 3 to fill up e, cantons 544 11 vessel makes greatest sound. . .709 26 Emptying-untimely e. of happy. .399 14 Empty-vaulted-through e. night . 26 18 Empyrean-rung with Hallelujahs689 11 Emulation-in the leara'd 227 7 pale and bloodless e 227 15 shouting their e 37 6 teeth of e 838 13 Emulous-of Greek, and Roman. . .224 17 Enactment-legislativediscussion.918 4 Enameled-jewel best e.will lose his406 10 music with the e. stones 85 1 o'er the smooth e. green 336 11 paints th' e. ground 280 22 wild-weeds and e. moss 336 6 Enamor-which most e. us 357 28 EnamoranHiodas hermosuras c. . . 58 12 Enamored-affliction is e 12 13 cease from thy e. tale 558 17 hung over her e 60 12 of a sainted privacy 533 19 of thy parts 12 13 Enchained-fair hair my heart e. .349 15 Enchant-I will e. thine ear 573 22 Enchanted-life's e. cup 792 19 Iight-e. sunflower 768 15 Medea gather'd the e. herbs. . . 504 2 Enchanter-break from e.'s chain. 529 2 ghosts from an e. fleeing 874 4 stroke of the e.'s wand 831 6 Enchanting-th' e. objects set 506 4 Enchantment-distance lends e. . .532 9 sails through magic seas 525 13 sweet e. hence 839 23 Enchants-my sense 244 7 Encina-corazon de e 357 30 Encinctured-love e. with 33 14 Encircle-all the earth 225 l Encircles-like another sea, e 568 6 Enclosed-bee is e. and shines. ... 64 9 Encloser-of things to be 493 2 Enclosing-in the midst 80 14 Enclosure-crowns her e. green. . .578 22 Encobria-de tus amigos 298 26 Encounter-free and open e 820 23 keen e. of our wits .885 16 Encounters-dreamt of e 203 15 that wits come to know 883 24 Encourage-to e. the others 729 11 Encouraged-more swiftly if e 761 5 Encroaches-upon rights of others. 925 12 Encumbers-hun with help 364 19 wealth that ne'er e 835 12 Encyclopedia-man e. of facts 489 5 End-aiming at aelf-eame e 690 6 all fear of an e 481 6 and here behold the e 495 12 and its only e 468 4 and there '8 an e. on't 890 6 answers life's great e 455 12 applause the e. and aim 37 1 artful to no e 450 8 attempt the e 7 5 at the e. of the world 471 10 awaits you at journey's e 477 7 be confident of no e 388 8 beginning comes to an e 65 24 beginning of the e 66 4 bitter to sweet e 150 24 but all's to no e 685 7 By-and-by has no e. 792 4 consider the e 638 9 crooked e. obedient 661 13 death a neoosBary e 176 23 Death the journey's e 444 10 devices for a sordid e 142 16 fall off at the e 411 6 for some felonious e 555 19 for then it hath no e 735 16 from beginning to e 445 6 God will put an e 306 10 good king near his e 239 3 guide, original and e 317 10 hair to stand on e .755 15 happiness, being's e. and aim. .352 7 here my life must e 452 23 his e. was near 823 13 hope a prosperous e 627 16 I will and there an e 895 13 let there be an e 565 8 linked to the beginning 172 2 look to thee, of life... 221 8, 638 8 made a finer e 176 16 make a good e. 165 25 make me to know my e 450 15 makes a swan-like e 773 11 man would die, there an e 535 2 mind one e. pursues 830 26 must also find an e 95 21 must fight to the e ". . .847 6 must have one common e 910 13 near the e. the milestones 339 4 of all we cling 173 4 one e. for hut and hall 446 1 pass'd over to the e 799 6 physicians mend or e. us 502 7 prophetic of her e 557 8 province of God to e. them 853 16 rather a good e 909 10 remember always your e 795 19 remember MUo'b e 650 8 serv'd no private e 753 7 shalt e. thy blissful days 588 23 shape every act to this e 265 3 shining unjo no other e 315 1 stay that 'we may make an e.353 23 steady to a common e 296 13 story without e 923 15 such the e. of the mighty 638 2 the be-all and e.-^all here 453 5 the e. crowns all 799 21 there an e 184 16 there is an e. of it 134 6 there shall I e 452 25 things have fleetest e 681 23 thoughts might have good e. . .789 24 Time will one day e. it 799 21 to appropinque an e 304 24 to the very e. of the e 845 2 we made war to the e 845 2 with whom shall e 607 24 working to this e 546 20 world without e 914 6 see also End pp. 220, 221 Endanger-his body for a girl 285 14 my soul gratis 739 7 Ende-sind 's am E. Gaben 313 9 Endear-presents . . . e. Absents 312 6 Endearment-speaking words of e.904 18 Endearments-its great e 303 13 Endears-home plighted love e. . .488 14 Endeavor-a brave e 208 9 awake a for defense 143 21 by way of amends 565 22 heart riven with vain e 510 17 nor e. to convict her 896 6 there can be no e 376 8 too painful an e 838 2 with impotent e 732 18 with useless e 7 15 Ended-for tasks well e. ere 527 5 life in happy well-being 350 10 matters be e. as 221 9 twinkling all utterly e 94 20 Enderby-Brides of E 67 16 Fndest-beginnest better than e . . 65 22 Ending-a bad e. follows a bad. . .670 14 and so never e 863 10 at the arrival of an hour 452 21 still e, and beginning still 443 13 Endite-songes make and wel e. . . 605 16 Endormit-dusommeildesJustes.719 17 Endort-le remords s' e. durant . . . 665 17 Endow-a college or a cat 2S4 15 my worldly goods I thee e 496 2 Endowed-a well e. girl 497 11 with all that Adam had 499 17 Endowments-greater than 838 18 virtue and cunning were e 389 16 Ends-all's well that e. well 221 6 arrive at the same e 221 5 begins and e. with two blank . .450 22 behold thy e 78 20 by our beginnings know 922 19 consult our private 10 12 delays have dangerous e 1S7 20 divinity that shapes our e. . . . .644 22