Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1118

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1080 FEET FESTIVE out of the sticky stuff 552 12 pale f. eross'd in rest 173 6 path my f . would tread 750 9 pretty f . like snails did 286 5 river linger to lass thy f 282 11 rows her state with oary f 773 6 run past on winged f 571 11 sacred f . of her Saviour 663 21 safe with bleeding f 725 12 scattered at the f. of new 208 10 sees what is before his f 749 14 set my printless f 146 24 shadowy and relentless f 165 1 shoes no little f . of use 54 2 shuddering at hiB f 877 18 six f. shall serve 338 12 slip than tongue 808 14 soaks the passer's f 655 4 soles protect thy f 705 8 [soul] low at her f 476 22 sprung upon its f 148 6 star-flecked f. of Paradise 739 16 Btrew'd before your f 855 17 the clay at thy f 679 4 tMfeir f. are cold 756 24 the wise grows it under f 352 3 they sit at the F 910 2 through faithless 33 19 time's iron f. can print no 567 20 trampled under f 407 15 tread beneath our f 831 23 treading beneath their f 344 6 treads on them, kiss his f 614 21 tremble under her f 482 18 'twas close at your f 416 18 under whose f 320 5 unsandalled 53 1 walked those blessed f 115 2 was f . to the lame 595 16 was she made out of bis f. 888 15 wealth about her f 679 16 wearied of travelling 810 19 when they lie about our f 92 2 where the red is meshed 53 1 wine first seizes the f 876 13 with ambitious f 923 16 with naked f. stands on 509 12 with oary f . bears forward 773 17 with reluctant f 923 14 with white twinkling f 501 3 with your hands and your f 851 1 world is all at our f 471 10 would not wet her f 9113 see also Foot. Footsteps p. 286 Fefellunt-omnes f 183 11 Feige-der F. droht nur 145 14 Feigned-fairer than f . of old 60 16 he was all other f . to be 700 19 necessities, imaginary 550 20 Feigning-4owly f. was called 128 10 most friendship is f 303 7 Feigns-if he f. to be so 182 20 Feind-nur eitien einzigen F 354 22 Feinde-nicht der Hass der F 925 18 Feinheit-vermindert weibliche F.476 16 Feint-s'il f. de 1'Stre 182 20 Felice-ricordarsi del tempo f 734 2 Felicem-infortunii fuisse f 733 21 Felices-pnemere f . deus 638 2 quoque t qui ferre 351 14 sive ad f, vadam 351 21 ter et amplius 497 18 Felici-optatius hora 350 20 vita . . . f . brevis 453 23 Felicibus-est f. difficilis 637 24 Felicita-la massima f 350 14 Felicitas -objicit magna i 63S l Felicitate-corrumpimur 292 26 rara temporum f 296 7 Felicitie-oan fall to creature 547 15 Felicities-nature's old f 548 8 Felicity-her fate 422 23 ideal of operative f 794 14 none can coast sincere f 913 7 our own f. to make or find 370 2 their green f 272 3 to lie in superfluities 352 6 to the f . of Mankind 320 10 what pleasure or f 801 15 Felicius-quanto f. tempus 797 17 Felix-donee eris f. muftos arnicos.291 1 illo tarnon corvo 484 12 nee sine to f. ero 351 21 non semper tomoritas f 290 15 qui potuit rerum 91 22 quisquis novit famulum 291 22 se nescit amari 637 20 vivere durent f 171 12 Fell-as it i . upon a day 501 2 I do not love thee, Dr r F 473 18 out, I know not why 653 19 Spirit that f. from Heaven 487 11 to help me when If 531 18 to noon he f 193 l Felle-amor et melle et f 476 1 Fellow-a f. near the door 252 1 a f. of a good respect 374 21 and want of it the f 920 3 as the lucky f, might 719 21 a very pleasant f 614 15 be a dull f. indeed 884 6 Ben Jonson is a pestilent f 702 1 best f. in the world 102 8 forget his f. traveller 228 20 hail, f. well met 400 14 home hath no f 371 13 hook-nosed f. of Home. 856 6 in a market town 57 11 in the firmament 132 23 I shot his f 646 19 Magna Charta is such a f 431 4 many a good tall f 855 20 of infinite jest 405 9 recognize him as f. man 519 11 sweetest liT f 56 l there's a brave f 83 3 this f. pecks up wit 597 7 thou art a strange f 777 4 timeless, tuneless f 712 20 touchy, testy, pleasant f 102 4 Fellow-beings-can do to my f 445 8 Fellow-citizenB-esteem of his f. . .517 13 placing interests of our f 332 5 FeUow-countrymen-our f -in 716 18 Fellow-creature-finding a f 270 14 purchasing our f 83 20 toallmyf 443 2 Fellow-feeling-help others out of f. 415 18 makes one wondrous kind 416 1 Fellowless-in a f. firmament 379 6 Fellow-man-to save a f 337 2 Fellow-men-born to marahall his f .492 17 loved liberty of their f 587 19 love of their f 525 G Fellows-bark when their f . do 222 12 dear to his f 379 9 good f. together 803 1 nature framed strange f 104 16 pursue thy f . with jest 520 2 they were simple-hearted f 627 17 we're all good f, together 328 3 when good f. get together. 379 11 young f. will be young f. 922 5 Fellowship-all the titles of good f .51 1 24 brethren f . is heaven 302 21 is life 302 21 lack of f. is death 302 21 lack of f . is hell 302 21 no f. with virtue 600 13 nor good f . in thee 104 6 out upon this half-fac'd f 303 8 right hands of f 124 25 sweet f. in shame 399 13 Fellow-sufferers-CTowd of f 125 6 Fellow-travellcr-whomyou asked,7S0 s Fellow-travellers-we are all but f .441 16 Felonious-for some f. end 555 19 Felony-to drink small beer 638 3 Felt-darkness which may be f 160 23 no man f. the halter draw 434 18 not till then he f . himself 10 9 pray'd and f. for all 630 12 stress on what is deeply f 840 18 though he f. as a man 270 10 who f. another's woe 595 3 Female-a f . name unrivaTd 686 19 as male, stands single 887 4 by f. lips and eyes 779 4 design d for one fair f 889 1 elegance of f. friendship 302 12 heart can gold despise 325 11 huos that wait on f. pride 591 11 if f. to thy heart 230 8 kisses from f. mouth 460 6 of grandmother Eve, a f 894 25 of the species is more deadly. .891 3 power over his f. in due awe. . .498 8 sensitive and confiding f 900 3 some f. errors fall 251 18 thou art a f. Katydid 415 12 tongue-nmning 778 22 under f. hands 119 13 what's f. beauty but . . . . 63 15 Females-by no means excluding .332 14 thus to make poor f. mad 324 11 words f . are 185 14 Feinina-amiss a pudicitia 108 24 duxf. facti 897 3 litem moverit . .. 890 22 speranze in cor di f 894 4 vindicta . . . quam f 891 1 Feminine-dazzle the vision f 457 1 eternal f. draw us 889 21 men as angels without f 891 22 my heart is f 391 18 Femme-cherchez la f 889 3 premier eonseil d'une f 11 3 sa f. et son valet 366 18 toute f. varie 889 10 une f. bel-esprit 894 2 Femmes-de la vie des f 481 8 hommes quesont f 695 16 le hvre des f 915 17 les f. ne s'aiment 404 2 out . . . arriere pensee SS8 12 soignez les f 213 16 Femmina-e cosa garrula 896 8 Fen-from the frozen f. 323 2 Fence-build a little f. of trust 816 22 put a f . round the edge 159 8 smell rose through a f 678 17 the roots they grow by. 813 21 the strongest f 196 12 Fenced-it with a little palisade . .307 21 Fences-make good neighbors 615 13 thee and feeds 831 9 Fen£tre-rentreront par la f 545 2 Fennel-baskets high with f. green 279 19 there's f. for you 124 10 Feras-trux decet ira f 589 21 Ferendo-omnis fortuna f . est .... 584 20 Ferlie-ye crawlin' f. 464 1 Ferment-prevailing in America . .589 24 Fermentation-the fine f 794 17 Fem-and moss to creep across. . . 633 6 blown with scent of the f. 108 2 grot 307 9 is tucked and set 877 15 Ferne-sehen sie schwarz 735 2 Ferns-blossoms and fine spray.. .877 8 the f. bend her steps to 279 2 Fern-tufts-fleck the faded ground.310 8 Feroces-nec imbellum f 24 14 verbis et lingua f 146 13 Ferocity-charm down . . . f . in. 396 9 Ferrash-and the dark F. strikes. .490 22 Ferret-glowine-eyes 197 16 Ferreus-assiduo consumitur 8 6 Ferri-saevit amor f 858 23 Ferro-et igne werden heilen . .. ..842 12 populetur et igni 850 13 Ferrum-nee poterit f 389 13 reddere quee f. valet 7 8 sanguincm et f 854 6 Ferry-boat-one foot in the f 338 9 Ferryrnan-grirn f . which poets . . . 177 23 ho, in the night so black 365 12 Fere-Rome est dans les f 721 10 Fertig-schnell f. ist die Jugend. .906 2 sie fur f. erklareiL 909 9 wer f. ist, dem ist 514 3 Fertilissium-majores f. in agio. . 18 17 Fertility-suck the soil's f 867 12 Fertilizer-master's eye, best f. .. . 18 17 Fervent-force of f. heat 71 14 Fervid-stayed the f. wheels 915 2 Fervos-nec sinit esse f 779 20 Festal-way was f. with fruits 759 8 with f. cheer 271 8 Fester-lilies that f. smell 867 14 Festina-lente 353 17 Festinat-enim decurrere 447 6 Festinatio-tarda est 353 28 Festination-may prove 353 16 Festinatione-falsa f. et nicertis. .822 10 Festival-hail to thy returning f . . . 829 2 night before some f 33 7 that we ordained f 96 7 the great anniversary f 368 7 woo in f. terras 902 1 Festivals— no f. limit its feast. . . .814 1 Festive-gay the f. scenes 271 9