Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1129

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FORTUNATE S_ build up great f 635 7 ' come to mend their f 692 20 dedicate our lives and f. 860 6 how you mistake my f 300 6 itch to know their f 153 19 lavishly can pour 866 25 least rub in your f 299 22 loved own lives and f 587 19 manners with F 95 19 man's f. are according to 424 17 my f . will ever after droop .... 292 16 of his f . you should make 437 19 our f . must be wrought 447 17 out of the reach of f 878 IB parcel of their f 412 S should with our f. change 96 4 some men make f 53 7 that I have passed 453 12 their hearts their f 500 16 what f. be within you 462 19 Fortune-tellers-rods of f 206 4 Fortv-a fool at f . is a fool 285 24 fat, fair and f 870 14 feeding like one 30 12 fifty-four, f ., or fight 841 16 investigation until f 910 15 knows it at f 530 19 look young till f 888 21 years old 14 12 Forty-three-pass for f 14 3 Forward-ana frolic glee 511 22 advance f . while they look 75 3 go f. or they die 847 12 hope and f. -looking mind 516 16 I look and backward 323 2 let us range 96 17 look f . and not back 635 10 men should press f 259 21 most f. bud is eaten by 480 6 moves not f. goes backward . . .635 9 never looking f 190 27 to be sounded 128 26 too f. as too slow 638 IS to posterity 24 1 Forwardness-avoid extremes of f.137 4 Fosset-seller-between orange-wife.433 8 Fossil-language 1b f. poetry 426 6 Fossils-giant f . of my past 76 3 Foster-child-eloquence, f. of . . . .439 10 thou f . of Silence 708 23 Fostered-the sweet poison 477 16 Foster-nurse-our f . of nature .... 667 2 Fou-avoir t'air f. et 6tre 761 1 been f . for weeks thegither .... 296 24 est un grand f 285 22 o' brandy 204 21 o' love divine 204 21 Foudre-la f. va partir 791 12 Foudroyer-vient f. runiverse 850 10 Fouet-un chartier rampit son f...291 15 Fought-all his battles o'er 830 2 a long hour by Shrewsbury. . . .486 23 a thousand glorious wars 341 25 by the mothers of men 531 12 for or against him 50 11 I have f. a good fight 255 20 I have f. my fight 447 8 met and f. with outright 487 2 seven years against 859 7 stars . . . f. against Sisera 750 8 such a day, so f 163 7 that the heavens f 855 18 'tis better to have f . and lost. . 845 3 we have f. and died 447 22 who f. and bled 366 8 with each other f 42 24 with us side by side 729 16 Foul-all reflections f. or fair 293 14 and ways be f 877 4 dark soul and f. thoughts 456 12 deeds will rise 149 16 • defy the f. fiend .... 79 23 how f. must thou appear 346 6 I doubt some f. play 771 19 murder most f 534 17 no object so f. that intense 455 20 nothing can seem f 833 8 so very f . it won't go off 691 16 to either eye or ear 110 19 Fouled-my feet in quag-water, . .372 17 Foulest-crime in history 459 13 Found-Acis once f. out in Sicily. .494 21 beyond what he f 305 14 mercy If 411 10 FOURTH

hold him alone f 350 10 moderation of f . people 520 8 number three is always f 771 S rashness not always f 290 15 so long as you are f 291 1 that sold the book 78 18 the f. should extol fortune 290 1 to be f. is God 289 7 who inspire it are most f 480 17 Fortune-among men of f 865 15 an accident of f 559 17 and f.'s ice prefers 20 11 and Hope adieu 233 4 and love favour 83 7 arbiter of every one's f 105 14 balance f. by 216 8 bold persist against f 83 15 by f. s hand are given 870 10 calm good f. gives 520 8 can take away riches 143 16 care not F. what you deny .... 547 21 conducting his affairs 394 21 course which f . allotted 179 22 crowds that beset f 355 17 decident de la f 815 12 decide the f. of states 815 12 easy to resign a f 865 17 effects of good f . 637 25 equality . . . of f. . . J : 498 4 every adversity of f 733 21 evil f. has decreed 195 1 exclaim on f.'s fickleness 728 20 fainting under f.'s false lottery. 763 2 favors the daring 83 18 (for a passport) 865 2 friends of my f . not of me 299 5 from others 437 3 giddy wheel of f 732 17 given hostages to f 495 20 gives us birth 919 21 gold is the gift of f 328 6 has rarely condescended 308 9 heart storms at f.'s gates 484 6 his f. as proud 327 24 ill f. that would thwart 805 6 in conflict with an evil f 10 4 inF.'ssun 182 8 is always on the side 855 15 is in my hand 20 25 is less severe against 651 16 is Bhort-lived 187 22 is the f. of another 283 1 keeps upward course 833 10 last piece of good f 262 17 leads on to f 571 15 learn hence what f. can 677 7 learn little value of f 866 20 mind becomes a great f 515 21 mock good housewife F 313 3 Nature and F. join'd 341 18 nick in F.'s restless wheel 570 11 not changed your birth 522 21 mil n'est content de sa f 690 18 of a day 620 12 of outrageous f 200 19 over every kind of f 515 22 restraint of F 171 13 retorts to chiding f 143 24 ripens with thy love 508 24 satisfied with his f. 690 18 scorns f.'s angry frown 134 15 'ssharpe adversite 733 24 that F. us assigns 828 19 the frownes of f 299 16 thou f.'s champion 146 4 to be born 73 6 to f. and to fame unknown. . . .505 19 to take his f. by the arm 519 14 tugg'dwithf 453 7 varieties of f 94 1 we lend tof 595 27 's wheel to roll about. 917 12 what use is a f 522 19 when f.'s malice, lost 402 2 where f . smiles 721 16 which crested F. wears 781 6 while f. was kind 378 4 who lets slip f 570 13 wisdom and f . combating 881 5 wisdom conqueror of f 879 29 wishes to joke 288 17 see also Fortune pp. 289-293 Fortunen-'s Spielraum 917 12 Fortunes-are already completed.. 136 3 my latest f 891 19 nowhere f. or ev'ry where 352 S oftenest in what least 262 8 pleasures newly f. are 92 2 rarely f. when looked for 219 17 staff quickly f . to beat dog 571 14 true love soon f. the way 477 4 what f. she there 857 11 when f. make note of it 297,15 where wood-pigeons breed 313 8 you an argument 42 11 you f. them in mine honesty. . .372 9 Foundation-knowledge is the f . . 49 6 no permanent f . can be laid . . . 390 18 of morals and legislation 350 16 on which guilt . . . rests 345 22 saps the f . of character 712 12 smallest f. to falsehood 485 26 which never yet had good f.. . .386 21 Foundations-are not shaken 849 17 laying f. every day 365 7 lie in veneration 686 18 rests on the f 58 23 where earth's f. crack 363 26 Founder-all his tricks f 503 24 and World-Builder 908 6 fashioned it 68 7 of liberty 860 11 of society 817 11 returned to the F 231 4 Foundering-as in a f. ship 472 7 Founders-forgotten names of f.. .287 8 Foiint-about to stream 807 16 from the f. of joys* 409 17 meander level with their f 738 5 of deep deathless love 531 6 shading the f . of life 20 2 that first burst frae 475 4 throng that f. above 677 19 Fountain-a f . never to be played. . 307 16 against its f. 700 10 at Learning's f. it is sweet. . . .789 11 beside it the f. flows 745 4 broken at the f 159 2 certainly come to the f. 782 2 chance-sown by the f 92 22 desert a f. is springing 775 18 goes so often to the f 670 8 heads and pathless groves 580 21 heart, f . of sweet tears 313 12 hither as. to their f 751 1 is like a f. troubled 895 11 key of the f. of tears 783 12 knowledge is the only f 423 16 like bubble on the f.. . ., 463 9 midstof thef. of wit. .; 884 9

  • s murmuring wave... .{ 337 12

near the f. of Salsabil. i 578 20 of fecundity I 862. 19 of Tears! 782 2 returns again to the f 12 3 sends forth 12 3 's silvery column 602 11 spray from Eden's f 781 24 stream and sea 73 2 sudden gush as from a f. 790 22 voice rise like a f 628 20 Fountains-Afric's sunny f 663 9 and silver f. mud 266 26 dwells in f , 206 4 midst of f . of pleasures 601 3 new f. in the human heart 538 21 of sacred rivers flow 675 19 of tears 780 11 of the new-born mind 531 17 splash and stir of f 307 20 streams from little f . flow 573 4 there's life in the f 494 15 Founts-drain the sweet f 55 2 seek not fresher f. afar 570 16 Four-men are f 420 6 things belong to judge 411 4 things which are not 628 13 times he who gets his fist 415 3 Fourberie-ajoute la malice 182 21 Fourches-coups de f 95 1 Fourcroy-Le Maitre, Pucelle, F. .219 18 Four-in-hand-cutting close with. 673 19 Four-o'clock-west is a red 369 13 Fourscore-and seven years ago. .236 3 hearts of oak at f . yeares 358 21 wind him up for f 13 21 Fourth-af. is come with perfume. 321 13 eleventh, ninth 524 2