Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1171

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IH-favorcd-v/orld of vile i. faults. .866 17 Ill-got-things i. had bad success. .761 19 what'a i. scarce to 304 12 Ill-gotten-goods the right 118 9 Illieita-pnevalent i 601 22 Illimitable-silent, never-resting.. .793 6 Ill-luck-as i. would have it 484 7 fond of i. they run half-way. .. .484 11 Ilia-add to griefs imaginary i 342 7 bear those i. we have 176 9 desp'rate i. demand a 197 19 fear the last of i 267 24 frightens away his i 712 21 have no weight 318 8 hopp!, of all i. men endure 375 22 ill cure for life's worst i 800 15 love on thro' all i 498 12 not been done by woman 892 8 o'er a' the i. o* life 832 8 of i. to come 110 11 reeign'd when i. betide 668 6 thn scholar's life assails 435 26 these speculative i 158 2 thy thousand i. combined 621 11 to hastening i. a prey 913 19 Ill-fltarred-what i. rage divides. .303 2 Ul-tcnipered-^ets up as i. as when. 138 16 think him i. and queer 560 17 Illudite-qui pone sint i 233 6 Illuminate-to i. the earth 750 24 Illumination-tasteful i. of the. .. .314 25 Illumine-what in me is dark i.. . .318 15 Illusion-man's i. given 915 7 tiger is nn optical i 898 2 Illusions-however innocent 819 18 with its i., aspirations 923 15 Illusive-Love's i. dreams 483 7 Illustrate-most them fully 414 13 Illustration-furnish i., well 755 2 which solves our 194 5 Illustrious-and ancient name.... 542 22 Conjeeturabuities 919 14 equally i. by those 374 4 footsteps of i. men 243 17 less i. goes the clerk 630 1 predecessor 242 18 Image-awakens in us the i. of. .789 27 before whose i. bow 325 23 bids for God's own i 716 17 bright and faultless i 117 14 captain counts i. of God 663 5 charms he must behold 3 2 cherish*d thine i. years 920 19 constant i. of the creature 133 3 conversation i. of mind 744 14 created in the i. of God 716 11 creature God's i 79 16 cutinebony 663 5 defacing the shape and i 598 22 every one shows his i 493.14 gods arc shaped in his i 918 IB God's i. bought and sold 716 19 have their i. in the mind 775 12 it bears of natural 41 leaves an i. of himself 619 1'L de I'usurpation 616 1'L de ma vie 805 Man, God's latest i 925 man, the i. of his God 338 mind of man his i. bears 488 26 moon's fair i. quaketh 526 1 never may depart 803 10 noble man is God's i 492 26 nothing but i. of death 173 IB of authority 47 6 of a wicked, heinous 249 16 of his maker 21 12 of pangs witnessed 548 S of these mighty peaks 849 17 of the vanished star 231 16 scorn her own i 547 5 solemn i. to my heart 88 16 the i. of Eternity 566 9 thei. of God 318 10 there is an i. of death 579 21 though death's i 721 13 thus thy i. lose 69 18 thy genuine i. Yarrow 509 19 to all, except one i!391 18 to sec her i. there 694 10 with i. of good Queen Bess 522 16 Imngery-doth appear in figure.. .743 18 Imagca-a thousand i 678 8 his loves are brazen i 368 20 like little i. they place 383 13 of men's wits ana 75 20 stars are i. of love 748 20 Imaginary-add to all griefs i. ills. . 342 7 relish is sweet 244 7 Imagination-abhorred in my i... 13 as i. bodies forth forma 608 12 boast . . . hues like hers 577 10 cold and barren 85 11 frames events unknown 268 13 has got the better 226 14 how big i. moves in this lip 104 23 men of reasoning and i 308 11 regulate i. by reality 809 22 solitude needful to i 731 1 to his i. for his facts 509 4 see also Imagination pp. 386, 387 Imaginations-feel with hearts and.914 4 Imaginative-range of i. literature. 599 13 Imagine-by others to i 820 9 qu'on se 1'i 351 14 we saw Hermeros of Cydas... .348 IB it to lie way thou go'st 387 14 se tutus i. vereat 515 11 Imagining- capable of i. all 106 7 some fear 269 18 Imaginings-less than horrible i... . 26913 sway her wild i 295 14 Imagp-flnimi vultus eat 736 26 gelidro nisi mortis i 719 7 sermo animi cat i 744 14 sub terras currit i 179 22 Imbecile-par un grand i 29 7 Imbecilitc-par 1'i. dea autroa 760 15 Imbecility-moderation in war is i.851 2 Imbecillior-^>otentk>r te, aut i—394 17 -i i. parce illi 394 17 Imber-quod non i. edaX 524 14 Imbittered-more from peevish. .667 4 Irnigine-est in i. parva 318 10 Imitaberia-argilla quidvis i 100 15 Imitandis—dociles i. turpibus 387 22 Imitari-potentem dum vult i 621 19 Imitate-as a pattern to i 243 8 beauty watched to i 93 18 clusters i. the grape 304 9 no one cares to i. them 653 29 the powerful 621 19 the vicious 126 18 sec also Imitation pp. 387, 388 Imitated-humanity so abomnibly. 5 21 Imitates^art i. Nature 550 22 as pupil i. his master 43 12 see also Imitation pp. 387, 388 Imitateurs-que les i 388 1 Imitatio-simultatioque virtutis.. .835 18 Imitation-awkward and forced i.. 11 23 he i. calls 53 16 of Dr. Johnson's 758 24 of His perfections 661 16 of virtue 835 18 sincerest flattery 276 3 tables and chairs by i 654 6 Imitations-pattern out their i.. .684 11 Imitative-an i. creature is man. .388 2 Imitatorem-doctum i., et veras. .387 20 Imitators-are a slavish herd 388 1 Imitazione-1'i. del bcne 387 19 Immaculate-^his thoughts i 104 26 Immagine-di se stesso nei figlio. .619 2 Imjiumity-and bloody strife 664 21 Immeasurable-dire i. strife 874 8 Immediately-become so i 865 16 Immemor-antiqui vulneris 920 18 Immemores-non sinit esse sui... .586 14 Immemorial-doves in i. elms.... 547 20 Immense-misaliapen monster. ... 36 6 Immensity-dome its vast i 547 25 Immcrcntium-voluptas est 319 2B Immincns-arte i. nccessitas 551 9 Immoderate-drunkenness is i.. . .399 21 secundas i. ferre 637 14 Immoderation-that I call i. is. .399 21 Immodest-wordy admit no defence.521 2 Immodice-diliguntur i. sola G01 16 Immolationibua-Deus non i 319 26 Immoral-not one i., one corrupted.tiO? 16 Immorality-fall into i 600 11 through public i 431 21 Immortal-author remains i 47 20 become i. by sloth 451 11 being a thing i, as itaelf 176 5 brighter grows and gleams L... 186 1 call some books L 76 7 corporations, invisible, i 86 21 dead who live again 392 3 disgrace is i 197 5 fame i. are his guerdon 861 6 flourish in i. youth 736 15 gives i. fame 535 6 grow i. as they quote 654 26 hand or eye 792 2 harmony is in i. souls 539 26 hate and courage 852 4 he thinks himself i 530 19 inoommunciable dream 169 13 in his own despite 701 17 inspires i. deeds 483 1 in your verse 607 12 kiss that made me i 417 10 Liberty 439 7 life and an i. soul 391 10 longings in me 189 13 longings of on i. soul 32O 12 lost the i. part 667 24 make me i. with a kiss 251 11 moral and i. creatures 620 8 music's not i 538 16 not born for death, i. bird 558 3 one of the few, the i. names. . .542 IS something i. still survives 869 21 spark of that i. fire 466 16 that i. lie 486 17 the i. could we cease to 530 18 though no more 342 3 truth discovered is i 819 23 vigour is in our i. soul 515 8 wanted one i. song 732 8 work upon men's i. minds 525 6 see also Immortality pp. 388-390 Immortalis-est infamia 197 5 ignavia nemo i 451 11 Immortalitatis-magna spe i 388 14 Immortality-alone ore sure of i. . 605 11 attends the former 838 18 consist neither in reason 664 18 Dryad's i 812 22 earthly i 497 2 fame is the shade of i 259 23 glimpses of i 512 22 good hastening toward i 329 2 have grasp'd an i 258 4 no more i. to thoughts 47 14 on it crossed to i 609 4 promised themselves i 687 1 seed of i 217 9 Seed-plotofI 8016 they gave their i 922 7 they were born for i 790 14 were born for i 541 2 see also Immortality pp. 388-390 Immortalizes-oombatoit i. man. .257 8 diffused knowledge i. itself 422 2 Immortals-appear the I. never . .321 17 be as one of the 1 923 5 beautiful as songs of i 589 9 laughter among the i 542 11 seats of the happy i 322 24 Immortelles-white with fragrant i. 64 6 Immortels-vous ttes i 825 9 Immota-ipsa i. monens 106 5 Inimovable-for three days past. .655 8 Immundofr-per i. transeat 140 6 Inimutabili-legc percurere 242 7 ImoRene^the maiden's was Fair 1.472 6 Imparadised-in arms 474 12 Import-candidly i. it 421 13 Impartial-heaven to mankind i.. . 352 9 of an i. judpe 410 6 Impartially-their talents scan.., .217 7 to decide i 411 4 Impatiens-consortis erit 3u2 18 Impaticnt-to ilcsh his virgin 390 6 Impeached-disgrac'd, i., baffled.. .715 3 Impeaehment-jown the soft i 129 2 Impearls-sun i. on every 194 1 Impediment-march'd without i.. -8.% 28 non i. foris 757 10 Impedjmenfs-to great enterprises.495 20 ImpeUitur-momento hue illuc i.. .826 19 Impendio-probitatis i. cpnstat. .429 17 Impf netrable-pour etre i 745 1 Impernndo-maJe i. summum. .. .623 16 Imperat-aut servit cpUecta 865 8 matrona parcndo i 871 2 qui nisi paret i 27 21 Imperator-t'gomet sum mihi i... .738 13 Imperatorem-stantcm mori 180 J