Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1222

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1184 MISCHIEF MOAN hell, or a m. as bad .574 14 in every deed of m 99 20 lurks in gay disguise 159 13 meant most harm 837 10 no greater m. could be 403 17 opportunity for doing m 572 2 signs of coming m 630 26 to do him m 179 5 trifles lead to serious m. 815 13 with m. to their kind 888 18 see also Mischief p. 517 Mischief-making-monkey 110 1 MiBchiefs-that are past 283 21 that vex this world 902 21 Mischievous-hatch'd grow m.. . .646 18 Auscreator-unspiritual god m. . . . 119 17 Misdeeds-penance for his past m.656 8 Mis-define -fools m. thee 315 14 Miser-a m.'s pensioner 192 3 becomes generous 725 22 bees are busy 501 1 between dying m.'s fingers 568 15 drops his hoard 338 8 rilling his hoarded chest 409 5 et si quis primo 652 4 kept tame jackdaw. .. 403 2 like a m. spoil his coat 222 9 nee tecum m. unquam 351 21 non m. esse deo 668 13 qui m. esse potest S3 5 them, thrifty 146 12 'twixt m. and his wealth 590 16 tanto . .671 17 you'll m. me brother 802 11 M issal-book-a blazoned m 915 8 Missed- it, lost it forever 570 9 not m. by any that entreat 661 15 way to one who m. it 364 IS wishes for what it m 515 11 Misserrima-qufflque ipse m. vidi..518 15 Misshapen-marvelous monster. . . 36 5 Missing-an inch in m 639 8 should your mistress be m 418 13 splendid talents for m 253 4 Mission-antedate our m 678 14 every m. constitutes 208 4 few who have am 503 4 life is a m 448 10 Mississippi-the M.'s flood 853 12 Missouri-flashing M 553 4 I'm from M 826 14 Misstrauen-Argwohnen folgt M. 771 13 Mist-and a weeping rain 921 9 came down and hid 791 19 dim with the m. of years 622 16 drapery of m 873 23 he rose in a m 770 16 is dispell'd when woman 889 15 light crimson m. went up ... . 769 6 like a low-born m 140 11 magnified by purple m 676 13 no m. obscures, nor cloud 556 25 of rainbow dyes 381 13 out of grey m. into 168 3 resembles the rain 689 24 through m. and cloud 505 lo through earth's dull m 606 17 through such am 805 6 'twas a beautiful m 348 4 Mistake-any man may make am.. 787 23 error and m. are infinite 818 17 error, is discipline. 236 16 grand m. caste off its skin 93 15 lie also, under a m 485 14 of judgment 236 27 there is no m 184 18 we m. the future's face 839 10 Mistaken-dream to be m. great 340 25 in practice of m. rules 503 12 much deceived and m 448 3 pronounce him to be m 570 3 too wise to be m 318 14 Mistakes-at cost of m 244 24 ' are often best teachers 779 11 bottom of all great m 632 20 makes the fewest m 728 3 man who makes no m 237 4 no balsams for m 628 12 remember'd are not 287 14 Mister Mucklewraith-saysM.M. .605 10 Mistletoe-baleful m 813 22 hung in the castle hall 116 9 Mistook-purposes m. fall'n on 237 9 Mistress-court a m. she denies. . .900 9 fleet that is m. of the seas 550 14 hearts humbly called m 593 10 his m. dying 683 23 in every port a m. find 869 13 lady Cynthia, m. of shade 575 2 little more than mortal 469 24 lives in body of his m 476 4 moderately fair 615 10 more from m. than 805 2 more we love am 471 21 my poor m., moved 783 11 of herself though china 893 6 of mine own self 739 13 of the arte 220 12 of the Might 822 21 once was m. of the field 458 8 o* the feast 74 21 reason is m. and queen 658 9 should your m. be m irei ng 418 13 skilful m. of her art 888 9 speaks as lover of his m 523 9 want, m. of invention 400 3 woman, the M. of Hearts 892 6 Mistresses-lovers and their m 471 22 young men's m 868 16 Mistrust-suspicion follows m 771 13 Mistrusted-vicious to have m . . .276 13 Mistrustful-cowardice to rest m . 146 3 Mists-creeds are lost in the m . . .662 11 enfolded me 547 17 fleeting m. that roll 202 26 of doubt prevail .. , 110 12 seasons oi m 52 5 see but dimly through m 360 21 shaken m. space unsettle 800 19 Time in m. confounds 800 19 Misturam-cum sapientia 61 4 Misty-tremulous hair 52 8 Misura-e pesa 285 20 moto e chi '1 m 320 5 Misuae-^rst m. then cast 443 12 Mite-t' inspect am 249 9 Mites-curva trahit m 661 13 Mithridates-half M., half 101 22 Mitis-quia m. hirundo 311 7 Mittens-handle tools without m.909 4 made m. for our hero 560 20 Mitylene-Pittacus from M.'s 638 8 Mix-can truly m. with neither... 498 4 them with my brains 576 24 with men and prosper 423 12 Mixed-elements so m. in him 492 5 last layer of colours 577 11 these m. everywhere 914 22 those m. with art 515 14 virtue with his nature m .344 19 Mixes-blood with his colors 576 16 Mixtura-sine m. dementia 308 3 Mixture-of earth's mould 537 26 of garlic and oil 138 16 of complexion's dew 62 22 stir the m. well 502 11 without m. of madness 308 3 Mixmres-of more happv days . . 350 17 Moab-valley in land of'M 337 10 Moan-a m., a sigh, a sob 440 17 in firry woodlands making m. .201 16