Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1247

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Parlez-vousp. devant un homme.422 7 ..491 7 not wrath, is God's best .289 3 'tis hard to p. when friends. . . .441 10 nurse of second woe .... ..510 11 bill into P. to deprive authoi too soon we p. with pain. . . . ..443 6 . .610 20 ..505 6 remorseful p. slowly earned.. . .477 17


334 21 . .408 18 ..503 12 ..505 1 something to spirit . .852 15 the moral errors ..103 5 speaking through reporters. Three Estates in P . .636 23 to p. or to bear it .297 12 ..250 21


..613 2 . .351 14 Pardoned-all except her face . . Pardoning-those that kill ..498 2 ..510 14 Parliamentary-to the P. army. Parliaments-England mother of


seeolso Parting pp. 579, 580 .288 8 p.330 9


Parta-male p., male dilabuntur ..615 8 ..151 3 ..371 4 .805 1 tous maux sont p ..745 7 .350 23 Parem-jactat utrique p .608 7 ..745 8 Partakers-can earth make us p . .422 23 ,104 2 ..585 S


..112 5 . 59 15 Parens-commiiriiR omnium p , . .402 4 liberis, uti seterni . .451 11 ,,533 19 ..606 2 .705 7 .828 5 . .743 22 ..876 8 fool and his money soon p. . . .523 24 ..799 13 .268 2


..374 7 . 28 13 .300 14 . 15 19 -.787 19 . .744 IB .477 12 great event, p. of all others. . see also Parting pp. 579, 580 .241 17 . .744 21 .611 24 .432 8 .905 la Parthenon-proudly wears the P .. 40 5 .404 l Parricide-incestuous, sacreligious.864 6 .235 7 .598 2 ..294 6 Parthia-of P. a mole-catcher . . .566 2 .676 11 . .542 27 .318 16 . .777 17 .697 9


.273 14 , 104 16 .294 6 . 50 13 Participation-due p. of office . . .612 6 our country our common p. . .585 6 .518 15 .739 8 . 54 8 .216 10 .513 9 prayed that his children live .451 li .216 2 .897 14 .243 9 .702 11 . 51 6 Parsimonious-to your friends. . .696 19 Partie-du tout a sa p. . . .219 U ,309 8 .551 20 Parsley-wreaths of p. spread. . . ..562 13 .434 7 when our first p. knew thee . .557 6 Parsnips-fair words butter no p .903 6 both p. nobly are subdued. . . .590 11 .291 io .588 16 .592 li .111 13 .631 19 .715 is .610 18 .922 14 .630 1 .557 4


p.243 9 l. 44 6


. 98 3 .205 21 .828 7 Parents-bottle our parents twai Part-all and every p. by turn. . .504 16 .297 13 .547 24 .379 10 .309 8 .361 6 .922 14 come between and bid us p. . .293 4 see also Parting pp. 579, 580


.489 16 Partings-see pp. 579, 580 .660 22 ,913 9 .760 16 . 24 9 .447 9 .331 5 . 50 16 .448 12 .610 19


3.619 4 .505 11 .191 12 Parentum-vitio'p- rara juventa . 40 7


.211 24 .442,14 .245 13 Partitions-divide the bounds . . .828 5 . 72 22 .564 9 thin p. do their bounds .698 7, 883 18 .124 21 Partner-his equal and p. to be. .888 15 .771 6 .667 24 .302 4 Paris-gondolas of P. come from .462 2 lov'd p. boastful of hoard . . . .370 1 .778 17 .629 10 Partners-unhappy p. of your kind. 353 1 3 .125 3 .623 5


.918 2 .210 8 .568 21 two separate journeys to P.. . 3116 .626 12 see also Partridge p. 580 .462 17 .357 29 Parts-abject and in slavish p. . .918 2 .447 9


.229 6 .504 15 .343 13 .663 10 . 40 15 .913 8 see also Paris p. 579 . 12 13 .638 18 nearly as mucn a p. of him. . ne'er to meet or ne'er top...




.653 12


.402 4 .915 5 .707 21 .498 8 .504 16 no p., no ring, no afternoon. . -.56211 .767 4 .546 19 .167 22 . 23 6 .914 24 .401 16 .712 6 .334 13 where peach-blossoms blew. . .619 21 .518 15


.462 13 .338 10 represent various p. in life .777 21 .388 19


.567 23 .871 4 .502 14 Parle-il p. d'elle nomme .777 21 .523 9


.469 14 .319 22 Partum-male p. male disperit . . .


.240 18 .792 9 .830 8 .130 2 Parturiunt-montes, nascetur . . . .532 18 .743 7 .710 10 Party-chief p. in its own decay. .664 8 .893 21 .572 14 .413 8

,745 1 .830 8 that p. which laws, can cause .370 2 504 18