Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1287

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is the sauce 4 14 let s. be ray song 283 S to-morrow is a a 808 9 see also Satire p. 600 Satiric-anger of a B. spirit 151 2 Satirical-more s. from vanity.. . .600 8 Satirist-of Nature's school 520 2 would-be s 407 8 Satis-tequus tibi s. habes 135 9 dat nimis, a. nulli 200 22 jams, est 600 20 non s. est pulchra 603 3 non s. eat ullo tempore 601 16 nunquam ho mini s 159 6 ornandi s. satietas 86 23 quod a. est cui contigit 134 19 quod a. est manu 134 18 verbum sapienti s. est 907 6 Satisfactio-cprobratio s 482 3 Satisfartion-in themselves 124 13 windy s. of tongue 808 18 sec also Satisfaction pp. 690, 691 Satisfied-lams 807 14 one rhyme, and I am B 479 9 others, not so 8 614 16 them fully B. and thee 414 13 with anything short of 403 16 Bee also Satisfaction pp. 600, 601 Satisfies-while it s. censures 517 3 Satisfy-God can s. longings 320 12 373 9 the sharp desire 37 17 see also Satisfaction pp. 690, 691 Satisfyi ng-all the world and 601 1 Sattel-Deutschland in den S 311 13 Satur-uti conviva B 446 12 Saturn-belt like S.'s rings 728 9 Jupiter, Mara 750 17 Bon of S. gave the nod 322 8 string a touch more soft. 530 18 Saturday-at Rome 1 fast on S.. .677 6 betwixt S. and Monday 680 3 how pleasant is S. night 328 19 Satyr-Hyperion to a s 127 2 Sauce-and only one s 223 7 as a e. to make me hunger 382 10 a s. to his good wit 885 8 best B. is hunger 381 22 crier of green s 138 20 for the goose is 8 320 7, 643 9 it is most sharp s 885 17 lamb with mint s 807 9 meat must have sour s 774 20 satire's the s. high-seasoned... 4 14 seek s. by sweating 212 6 seeks for s. where appetite.... 36 9 sharpen with cloylcss s 36 18 to meat is ceremony 92 7 wine for s 212 16 Sauees-sundrie s. dnngerouB 213 23 Saugling-glOcklichcr S Ill 24 Saul-also among the prophets. . . 637 3 and Jonathan were lovely 303 6 Saurian-jellyfish and as 241 18 Sausage-tried German s 212 10 Saut^je fais le s. perilcux 180 2 Sauter-reculer pour mieux s 646 9 Sauve-la vie qui est s 373 13 Savage-breathes along s. mind... 82 7 no s. fierce, bandite 108 18 sits upon the stone 688 3 softened s. dispositions 601 10 stories of s. men 22 6 the noble B. ran 294 26 to soothe thes. beast 535 18 waste music on s. race 548 10 we feel our s. skin 519 24 work so fanciful, so 8 723 4 Savageness-out of a bear 713 IB Savages-Druids did the a 2S7 6 labour of the s 108 7 Savais-si je ne le s. pas 422 7 Savannah-fair S. is ours 843 16 Save-a fellow-man 337 2 a king may s 480 13 Appearances to s 35 3 a sinking land 364 22 conquer but to 8 832 10 delight to s 145 13 desire to shield and s 82 7 die to s. charges 517 11 each object of hiB love 317 8 Europe by her example 224 16 her poor husband as wel 868 31 if he but B. himself make such music as shall 8.. may be meant to a me and I'll give you me from my friends still ready to s them by the barrel-load the monarchies of Tories.... there only is power to a to a. our country to s. ruin, curse, to bless.... to B. the whole, sawes off.... what we s. we lose Saved-by any single man herself by her energy mine 18. and hold complete. my life which is a others' names some trifling thing the little child there be souls must be s.... the Union of these States... what's B. affords no SaventHHre vieux Saves-Heaven's Sovereign s... Saving-a little child Savings-bank-youth be a s Savior-at midnight when called the s. of society Christ again to earth crimsoned with S.'s blood... first men our S. dear choose. he who scorns the S.'s yoke.. in silence wrote on of 'is country when guns of the silver-coasted isle of the world /elt deserted.... of the world was born our S.'s birth is celebrated Bacred feet of her S Bpeak low to me, my 8 'twas thus the S. said upon the S.'s breast was born this happy night... with trait Yous kiss her S.... Savoir-combien il faut f aire la prose sans le a dissimuler, le s. des rois le s. a Bon prix pour vous faire s que nuist s. tousjours Savoit-si jeunesse s Savor-a genial how salt the s might roo of half its s of the earth to escape salt have lost his s to the glass Savors-in theae live their a... - Savory-make what's homely B.

mint, s. marjoram Saw-government of TJ. S grace that won who s holy B. of sacred writ I B. and loved life steadily and s. it whole.. no man s. it e'er no man ever a. the people.. ■ nor did he believe-he B that no one s Saws-full of wise s bis s. are toothless off the infected part Saxa-crebro s. cavantur aquis.. faces et s. volant perrurnpere amat a Saxis-in altitudinem s Saxo-quam si s. aaliat Saxon-that ancient S. phrase Saxum-qua? auasi s. Tantalo ruiturum Sisyphe s Say-be bold enough to a.... do as we s. not as I had a thing to s having nothing to s hear, know and s I cannot s.. but I feel I now s. what I think. .485 17, I s.'t that should not s.'t. little if not egged no more than to s. "One not afraid to s. his s. ... nothing but what hath.. nothing in dangerous...