Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/207

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Death borders upon our birth; and our cradle stands in our grave.

Bishop HallEpistles. Decade III. Ep.II.


Come to the bridal-chamber, Death!
Come to the mother's, when she feels,
For the first time, her first-born's breath!
Come when the blessed seals
That close the pestilence are broke,
And crowded cities wail its stroke!

Fttz-Greene HalleckMarco Bozzaris.
Ere the dolphin dies
Its hues are brightest. Like an infant's breath
Are tropic winds before the voice of death.

Fitz-Greene HalleckFortune.


The ancients dreaded death: the Christian

can only fear dying.

J. C. and A. W. HareGuesses at Truth.


And I hear from the outgoing ship in the bay
The song of the sailors in glee:
So I think of the luminous footprints that bore
The comfort o'er dark Galilee,
And wait for the signal to go to the shore,
To the ship that is waiting for me.

Bret HabteThe Two Ships.
Tennyson Crossing the Bar, Whitman)


On a lone barren isle, where the wild roaring
Assail the stern rock, and the loud tempests
The hero lies still, while the dew-drooping willows,
Like fond weeping mourners, lean over his
The lightnings may flash and the loud thunders
He heeds not, he hears not; he's free from all
He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last
No sound can awake him to glory again!

 Attributed to Lyman HeathThe Grave of Bonaparte.


Death rides on every passing breeze,
He lurks in every flower.

Bishop HeberAt a Funeral. St. 3.


Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath,
And stars to set—but all.
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death.

Felicia D. HemansHour of Death.


"Passing away" is written on the world and
all the world contains.

Felicia D. HemansPassing Away.

What is Death
But Life in act? How should the Unteeming
Be victor over thee,
Mother, a mother of men?

W.E. HenleyEchoes. XLVI. Matri Dilectissimae


Main DiSo be my passing.
My task accomplished and the long day done,
My wages taken, and in my heart
Some late lark singing,
Let me be gathered to the quiet west,
The sundown splendid and serene,

W. E. HenleyMargarita Sorori.


So many are the deaths we die
Before we can be dead indeed.

W. E. HenleyRhymes and Rhythms. XV.


Into the everlasting lull,
The immortal, incommunicable dream.

W. E. HenleyRhymes and Rhythms. XVI.


Not lost, but gone before.

Matthew Henry—Commentaries. Matthew II. Title of a song published in Smith's Edinburgh Harmony, 1829.
(See also Aristophanes, Jonson, Rogers, Seneca)


They are not amissi, but prsemissi;
Not lost but gone before.

 Philip Henry, as quoted by Matthew Henry in his Life of Philip Henry.


Prsemissi non amissi.

 Inscription on a tombstone in Stallingborough Church, Lincolnshire, England. (1612)


Not lost but gone before.

 Epitaph of Mary Angell in St. Dunstan's Church, Stephney, England. (1693)


Those that God loves, do not live long.

HerbertJacula Prudentum.
(See also Byron)


I know thou art gone to the home of thy rest—
Then why should my soul be so sad?
I know thou art gone where the weary are blest,
And the mourner looks up, and is glad;
I know thou hast drank of the Lethe that flows
In a land where they do not forget,
That sheds over memory only repose,
And takes from it only regret.

Thomas Kibble HerveyKnow Thou Art Gone.


And death makes equal the high and low.

John HeywoodBe Merry Friends.
(See also Shirley)

(Mors, mortis morti mortem nisi morte dedisset
Death when to death a death by death hath
Then shall be op't the long shut gates of heaven .

Thomas HeywoodeNine Bookes of various History concerning Women. Bk. II. Of the Sybells.'

Now I am about to take my last voyage, a
great leap in the dark.

Thomas Hobbes. His reported last words. Hence "Hobbes' voyage," expression used by Vanbrugh in The Provoked Wife. Act V Sc.6.
(See also Rabelais)