Page:Hue & cry.pdf/4

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Wheest, Johnny! gudesake! dinna swear,
Or troth. I'm sure, you will me fear!
Gie me your news, baith straught an' plain,
An! I will hear them to Amen,

Weel, Jamie, hear—As far's I ken,
I'll tell you a', frae en' to en';
But gie's a snuff, to cheer my brain:
Better sma' comfort is, than nane.

There, Johnnie—tak' a pinch, my man;
An' lug them out as quick's you can.

Weel, I'se begin an' spin-them out,
As fast's I can, without a doubt.——
'Twas yesterday, mid-afternoon,
Twa honest men cam' frae the Town,
For three gude Stocks in Gilston midden,
Whilk B———Y there had safely hidden;
An' twa'r-three mae, I think ye'll ken,
That's a' right gud'ly Gentlemen;
But at the harrows, a curs'd chiel',
I wish he had been at the de'il,—
Did see them tak' ane by the leg,
An' whup it safe into their Gig;
Syne after it they took anither,
Till faith they had them a' thegither;
Then aff for Embro' they did ride,
As if Auld Nick had been their guide;
Then the curs'd laddie ran to S———tt,
An' tauld him a'about the plot;