Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/167

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With a deep-throated growl Porker drew back a foot and Lander leaped aside to escape a kick.

"I'll l'arn ye to dis'bey orders, an' give me any back talk," roared Porker, rushing him.

Lander dropped his hand to his boot and pulled his knife, informing:

"I've fought your style once. Now you'll fight mine."

Nothing loath, Porker whipped out his butcher-knife and made a murderous jab. To his amazement he felt Lander's knife against his, and the steel seemed to have fingers, for the butcher-knife was sent high in the air.

"Pick it up and come back here," snarled Lander.

"By the Lord Harry! Fighting with weapons in my camp!" thundered Bridger, running between the two.

Both began explaining at once, Porker black with fury at having been disarmed. Bridger silenced them and told Porker to tell his story. Porker did so, making out a very serious case against Lander.

Bridger turned to Lander after Porker had finished and nodded for him to present his