Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/195

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"Black Arrow can not take scalps, so he must take his friend's rifle."

The Indian drew back, then recognized Baker and sullenly thrust out his hand in greeting and said:

"My young men need guns. But you are our friend. We will take only one gun. That shall pay for saving your lives."

At this Baker became all Indian. He slapped his breast haughtily and in the tongue of the Absaroke said:

"Chief of the Sparrowhawk people, look up the river bank. You will find two dead Blackfoot dogs there. Here are their scalps. Why does Black Arrow come riding in like a foolish Indian raising the buffalo and scaring his white friend's game away? Black Arrow has spoiled our hunting just as the killing was beginning. Why did he not keep away till we had killed more Blackfeet? Shall we give him a gun for that?"

The dead Blackfeet and their scalps now flaunted in the chiefs face carried pardon for the trapper's insolence. The Absaroke, or Crows, could forgive much in a man who had killed two of their terrible foes. There was a rush to examine the slain warriors, and when it was found that