Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/214

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The Crows, like the Comanches far south, did not drink at this time, having yet to learn the vice through associating with the Assiniboins. Exchanging their robes only for goods, they were always well-dressed after the Indian fashion, wealthy in horses and quite the plutocrats of the Missouri Valley Indians.

While not the best examples of robe making the Crow robes were beautiful in workmanship, while as for the quantity the nation was the best producer of all the plains tribes. Bridger did not intend to transport the robes to St. Louis if he could possibly help it, and yet he planned to turn the trade to a good account.

After the robes were traded the Indians received many flattering offers for some of their horses. They refused to part with any of their animals with the exception of Black Arrow's offer of two ponies for Lander's knife. Lander refused and Bridger told him he was foolish. Papa Clair gravely protested:

"Non, non, M'sieu Bridger. If only a piece of sharp steel—yes. But it is more than a knife. It is one of a family of five knives. It makes the heart stout; it brings good fortune."

"It's blame good medicine. I'll give my rifle for