Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/27

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partner?" demanded Parker, his eyes two black streaks between his lowered lids.

"Lord, sir! I don't know. Just some of his beastly nonsense," replied Lander.

"But if nonsense why should it make you mad? You planning to get married?"

"Good land—no, sir! That is—I'm in no position to get married."

"I should say not! You were up to my house yesterday?"

"I—I was so bold as to drop in during the evening," faltered Lander.

"You were so bold, eh? Remember this—don't be so bold again. When I want you there I'll make an errand and send some one else. You remember you're nothing but a scrub of hired help, an engagé, a man who does the odds and ends. Out of hours your range is down on the water-front until you've shown you've got some guts. You come swelling in here half an hour late as if you was one of the company. That won't go with Hurry-Up Parker again. Now git your nose to your work and keep it there."

He was Susette's father. Lander believed Susette loved him. And her father could talk to him like this! He turned red, then white, and